
Fallout 76! Boom!   

As in beer.

Nah. Smart people like simple solutions. Simple is good! Dumb people don’t understand the complexity in a problem, so they are prone to suggest the wrong solution (or support one.)

It's available on the Timex Sinclair.

I do exactly that - tow a gas generator. I like to call this configuration the Chevrolet Volt. Sadly, the extra weight cuts down on battery range.

Great stories! Creepy af.

Thing is...  So what’s the ruling on the supernatural?  Real or not?  I’d sure like some tangible evidence.

Creating cheap hydrogen is the tricky bit.

I drive a Volt, and definitely do not miss the engine noise. Also nice? Rarely having to stop at a gas station.  (I have my own garage, so charging is trivial.)

World of Starcraft would be fun. 

Create a guild, call it gizmo40, and I'll sign up.  

Don’t be daft. Not voting is absolutely stupid - there are good candidates. Hell, most Americans need to vote more - city wide elections, that sort of thing. Find good people, give them experience, and promote. Outside of committing suicide by revolution (shout out to you militia groups! Hey-yo!) voting works.

You need to make a bit more and get a better accountant to hide your cash.

you’re not going to pound back two of them in under an hour.

Heh - I remember when pretty much every other week some nutty group of, er, nuts, were hijacking planes to take them to Cuba or elsewhere.

Truck nutz. Absolutely stupid.

You keep pickles in a pickle jar, while you keep masons in a mason jar ;) Generally speaking, the masons are not happy. The pickles couldn’t care less.

Heh. If I stopped reading boring books, I’d get fired.

Hey - some people don’t like dogs. No worries. I’m not a huge fan of spiders as pets - but it’s cool if if someone wants to own one.

And buy a nice big dog. They make homes jolly, but freak out creepers.

Loud noise? So like a gunshot? wait... too soon.

Yeah - tongue in cheek about the 9 year old - rabies and/or frightened animals are best left to the trained professionals (ideally, ones that ask questions first ;) )