
And, apparently, Satan does have control over your computer. Just pour enough holy water on it, and the problem will be temporarily solved.

What is virtue untested?

I’d rather pay a per epi cost than 6 bucks for a bucket if tripe.

That’s it. Time to become Amish.

Some people freak out if confronted. It’s a people thing.

I’m calling shenanigans on your tale. You got any facts to back that up?

Nice list of Becky. Of famous white women, who isn’t a Becky?

Hendrick’s makes the world just a little bit better.

Oooh! Another gin rickier! What sort of gin?

What ever happened to the Tea Baggers? Have they officially morphed into the alt-right?

The way we’re going? Give it a couple of years :(

I’ve often thought that these sort of scenarios could be tested experimentally using paintball guns. It’d be pretty interesting to re-enact previous situations and check out the friendly fire rate.

Easy peasy: simply recall the times when you’ve done something stupid on the road. I’m blessed with being an average driver. As such, sometimes, I do good things - like the time I spotted the idiot running the red light right in front of me. Dude was chatting on his cell, and not paying attention. He got the

This world is getting too weird.

Haunted is fun during Halloween and during movie night- but adults taking it seriously is absolutely silly.

That’s like the Trump calling the kettle whack.