
I’m struck by the general asymmetry of his face.

There is no Santa? Ms. Brown, I’d like to humbly disagree.

Idaho is where Washington and Oregon go to take a shit.

It’s good to be the king.

The excuse used by president elects. Stayin’ classy.

Thanks, NatR. Sort of what I thought. I did notice that there are some 2 stage electrics out there with a bit more steel. Something to definitely watch.

Thanks, NatR. Sort of what I thought. I did notice that there are some 2 stage electrics out there with a bit more

(Didn’t mean to disparage cord owners, just cords. They’re a hassle.)

(Didn’t mean to disparage cord owners, just cords. They’re a hassle.)

“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24

Donald? Is that you?

Why aren’t there any VW TDIs on the list? :|

I’ve never seen Voldemort and Trump in the same room, so could be.

Nah - Just Earth, Wind, and Fire:

After I wake up, have a cup of coffee and breakies. So, during the week, it’s in the morning. On the weekends, sometimes early afternoon. (Sloth is one of the best sins.)

Not a lunatic, just really dirty.

It’s not the name calling that is appalling, it’s the lack of “personal responsibility” that the driver shows. That’s the appalling part. I don’t think anyone is surprised - I’m pretty sure a concierge isn’t driving that truck, so a certain amount of crassness is to be expected.

Russians are terrific people. There are some really bad eggs born of desperation and other factors, unfortunately.

It’s good to be the king!

I wish he gets the help he needs, and eventually becomes a productive member of society.