
“I know you’re very upset and very concerned about the fact we women can represent citizens on an equal footing with you. I think I need to defend European women against men like you.”

They need not recruit so long as the “Church” keeps bilking rich assholes out of their money and keeps convincing the rich assholes to stay due to the fear of “disconnection” from their families (or other, worse consequences of going against the “Church”).

If you have a compromised immune system they absolutely can kill a person, though. My father died recently of a UTI (he had a series of infections over the course of several months, but the last one was an antibiotic resistant UTI).

It wasn’t until now that I really understand how serious this stuff is, and why people

I don’t get it. My mom doesn’t abuse antibiotics and she has had UTIs on and off for years. What, was she supposed to power through the infections /or let them go to her kidneys? This one is on the meat industry, imo.

No, it’s the super-antibiotics in all our food thats making us resistant. Not the occasional one for an actual illness.

Only gonna say this ‘cause I didn’t learn until I was 22 and it caused me a lot of grief:

Thanks, meat industry.

I kind of feel sorry for him—sounds like he had a good career and now he’s going to have to get the TRUMP tattoo on his forehead like all the other people who have worked with/for him.

Except he must have agreed to keep the existing staff since that was the reason the first guy declined.

And if he’s not allowed to build his own staff, and if he’s not allowed to tell Bannon to eat a shit pot pie, and if he’s not allowed to advise but only do as he’s told, and if the Russians are [still] getting debriefed by someone else after every NSC meeting, well, who could refuse an offer like that anyway?

You know what this reminds me of? Peterhof Palace. In Russia.

There is never any discernible joy on this toad’s face. Never. Sad.

This is not an odd attitude for someone from the “manosphere”. Most of them believe grown-ass men should be able to have sex with any person who has hit puberty (or, at least, they used to—I don’t read their stuff anymore). For me, that was 10. Ponder that for a minute—I’ve argued with men who think I should have

That was an interesting article, thanks for linking to it. I had not read that kind of take on certain Trump supporters.

In the song “Vertigo” Bono sings uno, dos, tres, CATORCE. Many people think he’s just counting to four but he’s actually singing 1,2,3, 14!!!! which makes no fucking sense.

He’s 33. That’s not exactly “young.” That’s a fully grown man heading quickly into middle age.

I <3 Malcom Nance.

He used to have a personae of someone on the left but stopped it when he didn’t get enough attention.