
Trick question. Racism never existed!

That is such a naive statement.

Did the cold war end before or after we ended racism?

Blaming Hillary again, way to be a President.

Are you our first North Korean paid commentator? Welcome KimBot! We look forward to more of your humorous ranting.

RIght. So the South Koreans, not wanting any kind of normalcy next to a nation with nucs, decides to assassinate a dictator’s half brother for the lulz. Are you with Info Wars or some 9/11 group?

So you’re saying the guy isn’t really dead?

Russian subs off of Delaware. Russian spy ships off of Connecticut. Russian jets harassing US destroyers.


Wait until you are 65, have 60% of a social security check, and a voucher for the immediate clinic as your health insurance. Then, read that comment back to yourself

He’s spent the last 17 years preparing his face to play Donald Trump on SNL. I’d say its paid off.

Get this off my car blog!!1!

I’m sorry I personally forced to you read and comment on this.

I get it, but the article headline didn’t bamboozle you into thinking this was a car article.

Whenever I see her speak my heart breaks thinking of how I would have loved to see her as the President. Her specifically, not “a woman.”

Remember when we could have had an amazingly competent human being as president? Me too. Every day!

Seriously, this woman has done more for women’s rights & causes in the past 50 years than 50 millennial bloggers could ever get done in 150 years.... And here they are cutting her down? Stupid kids.

I think it’s so hypocritical that the message that Hillary was/is trying to say is that women should be standing together. And supposedly Jezebel supports that message (I guess just not when Hillary speaks about it?). Yet still makes fun of her delivery as “robotic” - can you stop tearing down the people that are on

It’s been awhile since we’ve watched video of Hillary Clinton talking into the camera with her trademark calm, robotic cheer, and I didn’t realize how much I missed it until now.