
Do not allow your children to drive ATVs! They are so dangerous that actually no one should be driving them.

It amazes ME how chickenshit so called “conservatives” have come when it comes to Russia, and Russia alone.

1. I have never seen Miracle on 34th Street.

Thank you. And most of us pay a lot for those premiums too.

My IUD is good for three more years, but I’ll likely be fertile longer. Insurance won’t pay for a replacement while it’s still functional, so I’d asked my doctor if it was possible the IUD had slipped and needed to be replaced.

He said no, which I expected, but then tried to reassure me it was no big deal because they

We need to stop playing into the GOP narrative that we want free birth control. Under the ACA, we get birth control covered at 100% by our insurance, but we pay for the insurance. It’s not a handout. It’s simply requiring insurance to provide a benefit that the overwhelming majority of women need.

How about it’s going to black entrepreneurs. Is that good enough for you?

Without all the nonsense gimmicks there’s another way, place something soft under the back of your palms, like a rolled up gym mat, anything really, and the weight is redistributed.

At least Nikki has the decency to hide herself from public view.

I get that you don’t want to understand, but this isn’t allowed.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

Mama Tina is, of course, thrilled.

every Democrat needs to realize that obstructing the government, blocking nominees, preventing votes, filibustering, etc has no fucking negative implications anymore.

Kinda OT, but not really, trump was to hold a speech at Harley Davidson Thursday in Milwaukee, which HD cancelled due to protests!

How about that they announced the reduction before he met with them? Did you read the articlen