
And they came into being in response to egregiously harmful practices by business. Somebody didn’t just go “Hey Let’s create an agency to monitor the environment because we hate business and want to make it difficult for them.” They did it because businesses were dumping their waste into our air and water and it was

Given English is not her first language - her information and talking points are all going to come through Trump or his people. I’m sure she has some right wing views ( I doubt he’d have married a left wing progressive woman) but we don’t get to pick and choose who gets defended from misogynistic bullshit. Kellyanne

We see you, Russian plant.

It’s far-fetched, but her dad was in the communist party, and there’s enough shadiness about her immigration status when she first came over that I could see Moscow having helped her. Probably still not true but, like you said, an excellent movie plot point.

I have a personal theory too that she is a deep cover Putin agent who was sent to keep tabs on Donald Trump and groom him to be President. Sounds far-fetched, I know, but it makes one great spy story.

She is waiting for him to die. Explains the squint.

Even though those same misogynist assholes (including women) say that Hillary not divorcing Bill is one of her major faults.

She’d be in genuine physical danger. I do actually feel sorry for Melania. She may actually not be a great person, but she is well and truly trapped now. Personal theory: she was probably planning to leave if he lost the election, now she’s totally stuck.

So if NOAA tweets a picture of polar sea ice from winter 1986 compared to polar sea ice from winter 2016, NOAA should be prohibited from using Twitter. Comparing conditions from two similar events is a partisan opinion. How about when the monthly labor report comes out and, say, the Labor Department tweets the

I think these were partisan facts.

Yeah, that’s right! One account misbehaves, so shut them all down! You can console yourself that adults will shutdown crisis communications channels designed for the safety of the public rather than risk an embarrassing tweet. Ocelot Snowflake is now in a safe zone.

Unprofessional and damage to institutions is 100% who just got sworn in today, so your high horse is actually one of those tiny midget horses. With tiny hooves. And an orangish wispy mane.

Comparing crowds on property that is managed by the NPS is NOT a “shitpost”. Trumplethinskin strikes again.

Show us the damage to the National Park Service.

depends on who you consider a “reasonable person”. Is it, by any chance, only people who agree with you?

My husband pointed out that trump wasn’t wearing his wedding ring while he was signing papers in the oval office

And if she does divorce him while he’s President, can you imagine the misogynistic assault the right wing would subject her to?

I think they’re informally separated. She basically vanished between the election and now, and every time he touches her in public she looks annoyed. And the thing about her not moving so Barron doesn’t have to change schools is lame. She just doesn’t want to live with him, and who can blame her?

I’ve never been much of a petition signer, but I have signed EVERY goddamn anti-Trump petition that has been put in front of me. Fuck you, Cheetolini. I do not consent to your hostile administration. He is NOT MY PRESIDENT.