
If your point is there are a lot of shitty abusive mothers you won’t get an argument from me because I had one myself.

“You dumb-ass whore, you gonna spend the rest of your goddamn 2½ years in a goddamn insane asylum with the rest of the retarded kids,” McMillen is heard yelling at Gynnya.

Not for nuthin’ but the Rockette’s high kicks will sure look a lot like Nazi soldier goose stepping parades in pictures. They should rethink this.

In Trump’s America, anything is possible.

Is there any proof that she got enough votes in important states to change the election results? I don’t like Stein, but I feel like she’s being scapegoated. She wasn’t successful enough for this to be her fault.

I said it before when the majority of people were tiptoeing around calling invanka out on her shit cos she had been groomed, but that woman is dangerous.

Huh. “A standard retard.”

Ok, yes. I stand corrected. It is really fucking gross and bad.

I’m in the grey but it’s not even true. She said she was going to write herself in and dispelled the notion that she would ever support Trump.

Remember, he and Roseanne were married when she was at the apex of her being a shit to everyone. He knows first hand how cult of personality works and how releasing this type of information may only make Trump supporters like him even more. I think the tapes DO exist, but he didn’t say much because he knew (from

Then stand up and face the lawsuit. Millions of people would contribute to legal counsel were it to come to this.

Either way it really combats the idea of Hollywood being in the pocket of some liberal cabal. Certainly the talent leans liberal, as we see with Arnold and Rapaport, but the producers and the higher-ups, not so much.

Buying overpriced crap to impress your “friends”, via a carefully curated social media presence, far as I can tell.

OMG! Shut your mouth!

What if 2016 is just bracing us for 2017? :(

She should have shot back with, “And you should stick to... well... is there anything you do well?”

How has Fox News not been labeled a hate group?

I’ll never understand why some white people feign surprise whenever other white folk spew some racist bullshit.

OK, I literally don’t get this. Are her lips supposed to be unattractive? Her perfect skin? Her adorable nose and excellent profile? So confused.