
Its a fucking Sun Chip

I agree with a lot of what you are saying but come on, “the biggest part of the blame however lies with the american public for listening to blowhards like Michael Moore his ilk and arguing over shit like how many bottles of water it takes to brush your teeth instead of empowering smart people with smart solutions”

Great fat jokes too, you fat fuck.

Go fuck yourself. Americans have not been raised in that type of lifestyle, and you damn well know it. We’re not saying people can’t carry a jug around a while, but in our modern lifestyle where our only jobs AREN’T carry jugs of water on our head, it is not realistic to expect the populace of a first-world country to

Fuck off

Now playing

Ice Cube: “Maybe we should have put a slave in Staight Outta Compton.” 5:00 mark.

my friend is a producer for 20/20 and I convinced her to pitch Flint for the next episode. I can only hope they dive deep into these very telling redacted emails

It was actually “inconsistent”. I remember because that’s when I almost started crying. Such complete and utter failure to protect this poor kid.

To echo an earlier commenter, it's cruel and unnecessary to mock this kid for writing a song for his brother.

Brendan: “they said my statement wasn’t consistent”

As toolish as this is, I also feel weird about putting this up to make fun of. I’d rather ignore it. This isn’t Chet Haze. This is some guy whose learning disabled brother was railroaded and sent to life in prison. Maybe his rap is douchey and he’s a douche but I can’t necessarily make fun of the sentiment.

I am probably the wrong person to comment on anything to do with the Marine Corps, as I am one of those people who would like to see the Marines disbanded as needlessly redundant (as well as hopelessly anachronistic and probably detrimental to overall military function). It is no surprise, given the longstanding

Her parenting style must work, since Lourdes is apparently relatively normal.

I think the boy could probably use a break from Madonna, as I have no doubt her gargantuan celebrity persona (to say nothing of the demands of her tour) could easily steamroller a kid’s emerging, independent personality.

Please realize that jail rape isn’t as common as TV and Film pretends it is. Having a close friend in jail for 10+ years has taught me more than I ever wanted to know about life inside. There are lots of men willing to give it up so rape doesn’t really happen that often. With the money he still has he can easily buy

I like the requirement to label digital manipulation, but not sure how I feel about the BMI requirement. It seems weirdly judgmental in its own way. I think France is trying to do the right thing here, though.

I really don’t see much room for commentary on women’s success here, though, accidental or otherwise. It’s more about how social media and presenting an idealized image of our lives has become so all-consuming.

Seriously. The way Oscar Pistorius cried in court every day, snot every where, throwing up. Like, Jesus, get a fucking grip, asshole. You killed your girlfriend in cold blood with four “zombie stoppers” that basically destroy an entire skull, and suddenly you’re a kid again and can’t stop crying in public. That

Bless you! I’ve been saying “Swar-she” in my head since Atonement.