
I went to Comic-Con, and waited in line to take a picture with her, and she had this pup with her then too! She was just so kind and sweet, she held my hand! and when she thought the photo didn’t turn out well, she asked the picture people to take a second one, and she was right, the first photo I had my eyes closed.

I suspect you’re an idiotic troll who doesn’t care, but on the off chance that you’re just too young and lazy to learn anything about history, I might remind you that there was a little thing under Reagan called the “Iran-Contra affair” that was literally the United States illegally negotiating with terrorists.

Yeah, the ice cream response was a bit silly, but whatever.

Why don’t you kill yourself? I mean, you spend time on a blog making a 5 paragraph comment. I think your life must suck and not be worth living. My outrageous opinion is being heard!

A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think

It’s almost like a violent male-centric wish-fulfilment industry that is designed for jerking off to is inherently expolitative, despite people’s best intentions and tumblr blogs!

I know an actress who was doing an off-Broadway show and the lead actor was abusive, at one point saying he wanted to slice her eyeball with a razor which is spooky specific. No one stood up for her. As you show with you examples of others, it’s hardly limited to porn.

If that’s the litmus for kicking someone off a flight, I’m never going to be allowed to fly again! (I hatehatehatehate slow-walking people when I'm trying to move through airports.)

And this person remembered what the back if his head looked like FOR HOURS until he showed up in line for their flight?

Either this is the most transparent lie since the last time Ben Carson said something, or this crew member doesn’t know how to airport or how to New York.

OMG dude I cut off so many people walking in the airport. Slow walkers, people not paying attention to where they are walking, people who stop dead in their tracks while walking. I fucking hate it.

That makes even less sense. I mean, it doesn’t even matter what airport you’re in, it’s basically a mass of people cutting each other off in order to get to where they’re going about a minute faster. It would never occur to me to feel offended that someone walked in front of me abruptly. Wtf.

If I may point out, it is pretty easy to accidentally cut off someone entering an airport, as there are usually about a million signs to try to process in a split second and usually several lanes to decide upon. It can be tricky.

I find him so unattractive. I don’t like “boyish” in adult men. His jaw has no definition and his features are weak. I also have peculiar taste in finding blue eyes creepy and thinking that men look weird with a full head of hair. He might have a big dick but from the neck up it’s a no from me.

Has it been announced yet whether he obtained the gun legally (as in, passed a background check even with domestic violence on his record)? I haven't seen it mentioned.

Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.

I think that the joking tone of this post is only appropriate if the woman was out there due to her own choices. If she was a victim of someone else's actions, this would be in poor taste. At this point, I don't see enough data to tell. Therefore, I think restraint is called for.

Haisley did mention this in the article:

First, the writer notes that in the aftermath of the bombing of Turkey’s capital Ankara that took over 100 lives and injured more than 400 others just over a month ago, there weren’t any similar shows of solidarity during international matches

WOAH WOAH WOAH. My wife is Turkish and with that her family/friends are Turkish and I know many of them. One of her cousins posted this earlier today: