
At the turn of the 20th century, both the United States and Australia saw Italians as “other:”

Agreed - and people are asking for a rematch. Why? How does Ronda deserve a rematch? The result wasn’t even close. Holms win was surgical. Ronda has massive holes in her stand-up, walking straight into punches with no footwork. Thats something you can’t learn in a few months let alone a year or 2. Anyone saying she

Her adolescent psychological profile is physically manifested in the stupid, theatrical mean face she makes at weigh-ins and in the face off prior to the fight. I can’t imagine how she could remember the way she acted in the pre-fight without cringing in embarrassment after getting her ass so thoroughly handed to her

It also seems like her previous opponents simply weren’t very physically strong. Holm is getting credit for better striking skills, but she also didn’t have a problem getting out of Rousey’s arm bar. She is at least as strong as Rousey, if not stronger. She definitely LOOKS stronger.

Ronda didn’t lose. Holm won. Let’s give her some headlines!

I just got a Nexus phone and a few days ago was picking up some type-c cables and adapters and then saw this guy’s reviews and based on his reviews chose a iOrange-E 6 foot USB A to type C cable. I also picked up a few 3 foot cables direct from Google, as he got me nervous buying from many of the usual sellers . None

First off, have you seen the Canadian Air Force? We don’t have the money or the resources to be an aggressive military force. Our entire countries population is less than the State of California. This is why the Canadian Armed Forces are historically known as peacekeepers and engineers.

Except that ISIS leaders are too damn smart to position themselves in Raaqa. It’s like when the US invaded Fallujah...on both occasions, only the die-hard jihadi types fought US troops. The insurgent leadership fled to another location. Hence nuking Raaqa would do nothing except kill a huge number of innocent

Gonna give them the benefit of doubt. I’m hoping Trudeau will recognize that for idealism to survive, you sometimes need good men and women with guns to protect it.

Not sure that nuking is the answer, but the Foreign Legion is awful good at taking care of things where others don’t want to get their hands dirty.

Our jets were responsible for 0.03% of all combat operations there since we joined the air-fight. Our presence in the air there is near negligible. It’s better if we shift resources to the support elements that are training and assisting Peshmerga (sic) forces on the ground. Speaking personally, if the government

I wouldn’t mind nuking the assholes, but the land that they’re on isn’t theirs. They stole it from the people who were living there peaceably. We don’t have any right to destroy it and contaminate it. Unfortunately, when you’re on higher moral ground than your foe, you’ve gotta work three times harder to beat them.

You and idiotic suggestions like that are why they’re able to recruit people. Just stop.

ISIS’ center of gravity isn’t physical, it’s fundamentally philosophical. Specifically, recruitment and support centered on the perception across the ummah that Muslims are oppressed by the West. Physically, economically, militarily...they’re decentralized.

Obama, the guy that had Osama killed and his dead carcass dropped into the ocean? The guy that is willing to kill bad guys with hellfires in so-called friendly countries? The guy that authorized the Stuxnet cyber attack on Iranian centrifuges?

Considering his age and lack of seasoning, it will be interesting to see how Paris affects his foreign policy decisions.

Agreed. This was presented very well.

Thank you for keeping us updated! And thanks for keeping it concise with out all the hysteria that has leaked into most news sources.