
My fave was Trump gloating about gun control, because the French ambassador responded calling him a vulture.

Yep, this is exactly want I wanted to know, facts.

hear hear. excellent job.

As half white half Asian man, I find your complete disregard for historical accuracy very comforting. Wow! I *am* perfect.

Pretty much the only one on Gawker/Kinja.

I came to say this as well. After seeing CNN’s front page which just says “BLOODBATH” it is good to see someone is reporting this sensitively and rationally.

I second.

so my hate for conservatives is alright?

Which is, in turn, a part of Gawker Media.

I wash mine on a hand-wash cycle in a zipped lingerie bag and then lay them out to dry. But then my bras also set me back $70 apiece, so I’m pretty careful with them. If it’s a cotton bra without underwire or a sport bra, I’d imagine a regular wash cycle and dryer wouldn’t be too harmful, but bras with more delicate

We should have been doing this years ago. Unfortunately, the islands are basically operational at this point. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we literally have no non-military action we can take to get rid of them. What are we going to do? Start sinking the Oil rigs they eventually put out there?

You are an idiot.

Since very, very few articles about these islands cares to include a damn map, here’s one that shows China’s claimed area, and location of the islands. Not exactly a fair claim, or sane, or anything but a ridiculous idea in the first place, it’s an invasion of many nations’ existing and very much valid waters, so they

Retired boxer went to jail for rape and was a leading cast member in top rated sitcom Friends.

This is really shocking. And I kinda thought I was past that, in terms of iconic mag editors being unceremoniously dumped once they reach an expiration date. I know Michelle—she’s great and I’m sure she’ll do amazing things at Allure. But Linda Wells out...that’s a real blow.

Linda Wells was Allure! I know her face better than I know my own: refreshingly candid and makeup-free.

Exactly. DUCKS? It sounds like this lady is trying to start her own toddler cult.