
Robin Thicke Sings: “Rapey the Snowman, Roofie the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Other Beloved Classics.”

I mean, above you just said it was ok for Crudup to do that and now you have a problem with Danes?

This. Super douche move by Billy Crudup and that is what I always remember about this guy.

Seriously, fuck that shit. My oldest son’s father left me for my best friend when I was pregnant. It’s ages ago and life moved on, but a part of me is still hurt by that double betrayal. It was a bad, bad time in my life, and I felt so completely vulnerable and rejected. I totally get MLP’s letter.

I think we disagree about what a relationship "not working" means. I don't see it is a reason to give up or get out. Especially when your partner is 7 months pregnant.

OK, I don’t know why your POV is so precious and pristine that it cannot be disputed while the rest of us can, so I’ll just leave it that you’re focusing on entirely the wrong person and be done.

You really have a bizarre, twisted take on this. I’ve seen you make the same comments on other cheating stories. You are seriously fucked up.

Didn’t Danes and her current husband also get together while he was still in a long-term relationship with someone else?

You only have a problem w/ Daines? Wtf?

When you have temptation (whatever it is) staring you in the face you really can’t rightfully determine whether a relationship is working. That is why cheating sucks. Ultimately you are cheating yourself and your left partner out of weathering the storm and having a more fulfilling relationship. Relationships take

Please, he ran away when things got real. And he had a young woman waiting, with open arms and open legs. Let’s not romanticise or explain away what is one of the more crappy things you can do to another person. I mean, really.

As an aside...it’s really sad how common this narrative is. A close friend saw her husband run off with his high-school crush, leaving her with pretty much full-time care of their nine month old son (despite lots of lip service from the guy about how he’s still suuuuuch a good dad, eye roll). Another mutual friend had

His face has always seemed so douchey and punchable and this story is a big part of it. Ughhhhhh I mean good on her for venting and finding peace in a way that wasn’t just rehashing all the drama but if there’s any famous ex-bf who deserves a bit of mud-slinging it’s this guy.

In all sincerity you just don’t get it! Just stop!

I write about social justice issues and cars here in the Gawkerverse, and that’s one job. But the other is as a public school teacher in Japan where I teach English and social studies. My undergrad, of course, was secondary education, English, but my post-grad work was in comparative government. So even though I know

Kat, just wanted to say that you’re awesome. All of your comments regarding this rocked and I’m sorry you had to waste your time explaining to all the derptastic idiots that the National socialist party of the Nazis wasn’t actually socialist. Keep up the good fight

Well put Kat! very damn informative

If you don’t know the difference between Socialist Democracy and Socialism I think you’d better step back from criticizing anyone else’s education. Wikipedia alone would give you a better knowledge set than what you currently possess.

It’s a figure of speech. And I’m not a “liberal.” I’m an out and out socialist, and while that would make me center-left or moderate-left in Europe and much elsewhere in the world, only in America would I be considered “extreme.”

You’re confusing the American definition of “liberal” with the political philosophy definition of “liberal,” which I already explained. Progressivism, which is really the term we ought to use, doesn’t just draw from socialism, it basically attempts to reform the system towards socialism. I think your word choices