
If you get to give your opinion about a stranger’s moles then we get to give our opinion about you being a huge asshole.

*checks scar from mole she had removed 14 years ago*

Nothing wrong with freckles. But moles- yuck. Get that shit lasered bro.

Seriously. Even C-list celebrities have some input. She wanted a controversy to happen, just like every other person who ever complained about their photoshopped pictures.

I've been modelling professionally since I was 13 and this comment times a million. Sorry, if they paid you for your image, don't complain later. How ridiculous.

“Paden’s adult son, Anthony, has also been charged with sodomizing the victim. His case is currently pending.”

So basically white *poor* Americans, which is hardly surprising. Impoverished people are consistently a class of Americans who get left behind on medical and mental health care, including whites.

I caught on to him in that show The Riches with Minnie Driver. Much different than his stage stuff and showed his versatility and brilliance.

This is an excellent post. Next you can ask me where I live so you can come fight me.

Please do, we suck at leading ourselves. Just look at our current leaders in our senate and the embarrassments we have running for president.

Preeeeeetty sure you love to be “that guy.”

I was very close with my aunt, I even lived with her and my cousins when my first marriage ended. She had cervical cancer, and was given 2 months to live. The next week, I found out I was expecting my youngest. She made it until the day before he was born. He was 6 hours old when I got really sick. I had apparently

Awww <3 Charlie. I like stories like that.

Absolutely love this patch

His people don’t care, or even know what the world thinks. The propaganda machine is so strong that most of them think that MH370 was a US conspiracy to destroy Russia’s peaceful image.

My uncle wasn’t even phased by it. His reaction was basically simple annoyance that he’d been pulled away from his important cases over some dumb trees and a few hacked up deer. If I’d been there, I would have burst into tears and pooped myself simultaneously.

I just spent a glorious hour reading the terrifying stories someone linked to on reddit about all the creepy shit a Search and Rescue officer supposedly encountered during his career. And I suddenly remembered something that used to scare the piddle out of me. And I’m gonna talk about it here because it stands a

As usual, more F-35 drivel. This time using test pilots to supposedly shame the program.

aww i almost forgot what she looked like in flattering clothing. she is truly a beauty. poor babe, following kanye around like a dumb puppy (aesthetically, anyhow).

Kim in Lanvin. A+++++.