
The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.

Wow, that’s so interesting! Did he tell you anything more about that experience you could impart to us? Does he have an opinion on who committed the crime?

Think about all of these close calls. Then consider that Pakistan, India and North Korea are all nuclear armed now and, depending on who you believe, Iran may be close to having them. It's hard to imagine how the human race is going to survive.

So showing up in international waters with dredging equipment, creating a port for ships and runways for military aircraft and then parking yourself there and just like in a Monty Python scene, shouting, ‘none shall pass’ is of course comparible to sailing by in a ship and returning to your home port. Of course it is.

I’m a Scully in the streets and Mulder in the sheets.

god fucking bless you, Madeleine.

Close enough for Sarah Palin to see?

With permission of the Philippine government, the U.S. navy could get as close as they want...or even touch boots on the Island. China is trying to claim property of the Philippines.

Exactly. It’s like sailing by an oil rig.

Since these “islands” are not actual islands and not a single sovereign nation of any repute recognizes them as Chinese territory, they have no territorial claim on any waters at any distance.

Hey China, when you went sailing by Alaska, which actually IS recognized sovereign territory, how much whining and grandstanding did we do? Hypocrisy isn’t exactly going to help your case here guys.

Any thoughts on possibility of US setting up a blockade around the man made island to block the chinese arming the place, like how we did during Cuban Missile Crisis?

If Glenn truly is dead, I might be done. More than any other character, he was who I was watching for and rooting for. I’m not sure I care about any of the others enough to keep watching, especially considering I loathe Rick more and more each episode.

‘Sheriff’ may be the wrong word to use; that implies they’re interested in the rule of law, and their ridiculous claims to the south china sea and atrificial island-building suggest otherwise.

If the Chinese sank even one carrier with 5,000 sailors onboard then they would be destroyed militarily, say what you will about the US but if you kick us in the face and your a nation then we will not quit until you are deciamted. Their is no scenario when we are left without allies in the region while China

To put in perspective, yes China is a big trading partner but the Chinese would be hurt more if there was a cessation to trade. The US was humming along fine before China became a big player. It might hurt in the short term to the US but China would be devastated economically. They are not deep in the bullpen. Notice

Hey, if a poor person wants cheaper capital gains taxes, they should just buy some stocks.

But seriously, our tax and entitlement system is at least partly designed to punish the poor for making responsible choices. Married poor couples pay a significant penalty in means-tested programs. Because of they way

I live alone and I find cooking and eating healthy for one really difficult and I’m not poor. I end up eating the same thing for days in a row so it doesn’t spoil. Like if I buy a bag of salad, which makes 3-4 salads, I have to eat those within a week before it starts to brown. Processed food keeps far better.

Yep, I have a friend who is “funemployed” right now, which means she has all the time in the world to go to food kitchen and the free vegetable distributions that happen in the city. She may not have money, but she has the time to take advantage of whatever she needs to in order to get a good deal. If you’re