
All she said was that she misses her daughter. She hasn’t, as far as I can tell, said anything new about her daughter. And her daughter did an interview with a tabloid, so she did ask for the conversation.

Gosh I almost want to star this comment for the ending but I can’t get past the victim blaming and calling the driver of the car an idiot when the proper term is psychopath.

“Insect bit my groin” is the new “it was a black guy”

I could plausibly see a teenager confusing the need for a public persona with phoniness. I think it’s also possible that she’s a nice, sweet person in public and an angry, bitter woman in private. Or, more likely, something in between the two. I think you’d have to be a lot closer to the situation to make that

Don’t most people have different personalities in different settings? I know I do. I have a work persona that’s very different from who I am with friends and with family. I’m even different in different friend groups. I’m sure there’s more to the story, but that particular complaint seems kind of weak

Wait what? they don’t have enlistment contracts?(MIND BLOWN)Their turn over for just boot camp must be massive.

I have personally worked with JGSDF and JMSDF and even my close friends who have also worked with them can tell you that the Japanese military is undertrained and undermanned. They are so woefully unprepared for any sort of conflict, even for an attack on their home islands that it’s just depressing. They also have a

“So in a way, yeah the Japanese public was like fuck that noise.”

And yet sadly, Japan beefing up their fleet is a necessary evil considering China’s aggressive stance towards the South-Chinese sea and the Senkaku islands. He’s not inventing a threat like G.W. Bush did in Iraq, his threat is quite real and right across the sea from his country.

Hell, I remember when my bank used to REIMBURSE me for ATM fees incurred through the month. Now they CHARGE me for every one I use that isn’t theirs, even the free PNC ones at WaWa.

Terry Pratchett was a treasure and I’m sad he’s gone. I’m just going to sit in the corner and remember his wisdom.

I LOVE THAT YOU REFERENCED THIS. Sir Terry knew what the fuck was up. I learned more about politics and economics (among other things) from Discworld than I did after four years in my fancy liberal arts university. The world is poorer without him.

rushcard is FDIC insured, which i will admit... i do not understand.


I doubt he was going that slow solely because he was inept. Likely he was going slow purposely to be an ass and provoke “those gull-durn kids on their fancy-pants furren motor-sickle” into passing like that so he can self-justify his dickishness.

To all of you saying passing on the DY is automatically Bad - stop. Just stop.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to

Sanders added in the clarification post that his reason for passing the car was its slowing down to around 20 mph under the speed limit for that particular area.

I grew up a few miles from the Final Assembly Plant (42) in Palmdale literally watching them build the ships. My mom was on the Shuttle team from day 1 until she retired in 1989. No one is more of a Shuttle fanboi than I am. That said, it absolutely was a compromise. Was it a terrible one that set us back decades? No,

Tyler, one word: Hubble.