
Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, S. Korea, Vietnam... The list goes on, but those countries provide a considerable percentage (to the point of majority, in many industries) of goods.

not just the Philippines, we are allies with almost every nation in that region with the exception of Vietnam and the DPRK. and the Vietnamese have been getting buddy buddy with us as a result of China’s belligerence

If the PLAN sunk an LCS, the US Navy’s response would be quick and incredibly powerful. At the very least those islands would be wiped clean of any building or infrastructure the Chinese have been working to build.

We have a right to every nautical mile of international water on the planet. Unless it’s within 12 miles of an artificial island, it’s international water.

Because the Philippines are a US ally and it is right in their backyard.

Multi-billion warships loaded with men AND women are sent to do just that, quite frequently, and have been for a great number of years.

lol China has been counting on people like you to be in charge so they CAN do that.

Unfortunately.. the US has sat on it’s hands for too long and well.. we’re now having to look that propsect in the face.

lol!! Yes - don't they UNDERSTAND?!?!?

My involuntary response to talking about Bernie Sanders’ underwear:

He’s everything I want in a President. If he does not get the nomination I am issuing an empty threat to move to Nova Scotia.

He is like 70. He can do what he wants. He is at the George Carlin age.

A good case could be made for that. What the North Vietnamese did immediately after America left was depose Pol Pot in Cambodia.

Yeah. The production company better be shelling out. Big time. Won’t fix things, but will let her do what she can with the rest of her life.

Given that her thumb was amputated, she lost five nerves from her spine and her face was “degloved”, no, there is no chance she “gets better” here, save in the sense that eventually she won’t be in the hospital. It’s unlikely she will be able to continue to do stunts, so her career is pretty much over here.

But you’re still wrong. First, congrats on learning the bold next you can learn italics, and finally my favorite strikethrough. The guys you mentioned are a small sample. A few bad apples who realized they want fame more than honor. Those who serve in the spec warfare communities don’t look highly upon them. They are

the tight-knit SEAL community - a community which prides itself on quiet sacrifice and secrecy.

What about this guy doesn’t scream “master race?”

The one issue I have with this is that any kids growing up in that town will think its normal. Its one thing to be surrounded by hate and bigotry at home, but when you have whole communities devoted to it you get... well.... the south

Unfortunately he tried to force himself onto a town that wanted nothing to do with him.