
AAVs are known for making troops puke. They are packed in the back, its hot, deafening, you are breathing half diesel exhaust, and they move a LOT in the water. Its a perfect storm for severe motion sickness. Crewmen get used to it, but the average grunt does not get exposed enough. Worst part is that the puke will

There is armor. The ones in the clip and in the water are unarmored, but the one in the desert is. Its the zig-zag panels bolted all over it. Its called EEAK armor. I forget what it stands for, but its rather heavy and a pain to install. The largest problems we had in iraq were tank mines, RPGs, and the occasional

I was there for that, I was behind that AAV. It shot out like a 8-foot flame from the exhaust before dying. The AAV that initially hooked up to tow had the lines come undone in the rough water and it got tangled in the towing AAV’s longitudinal forcing it to continue in on water-tracks. The Navy decided to keep going

If he were to do something like this on his own, (with his own money) could he get in trouble with international laws and face a penalty or jail time for it?

Jesus, this man resembles a thumb with teeth.

If not carpet-bombing civilians is what “no leadership” means, then I don’t want any damned leadership.

I started going into the Swiss Mercs history, but it just got too much. Maybe for another post. How awesome is that tribute, thanks so much for posting.

As you mention, the Swiss Guard was often hired as mercenaries by other countries. There is an incredibly beautiful and moving memorial in Lucerne, Switzerland depicting a lion with a thorn in its side, that commemorates the Swiss Guards who fell protecting the Tuileries Palace in France during the French Revolution.

Thanks for this awesome article Tyler.

The only compensation she has is a $550,000 settlement from the psychologist who testified it was safe for the baby to go with his father. Too bad the actual police are not paying a dime.

Those cops should be charged as accessories before the fact.

That was a warning for her to back the f off. They ruined her life once and will do it again!

I have always really liked SJP, and that story makes me like her even more. She has always seemed like she is naturally thin (kind of scary thin in the SATC days, but just her body type) but to know that even she gets shit about her body is kind of awesome. It is also a little awesome (and sad) to know she did what

SJP has always been very fit so this is just bizarre.

I can think of a few reasons. Russia and China are quickly becoming less than accepting of our economic and global reach and are building up their capabilities to dispute it. This would not be a “Mud Hut” type skirmish, this would be a gen 4.5 vs gen 5 fighter aircraft that would devolve into all out war. And while

...did you fail to read the article?

Doubtful the tooling was destroyed, and if it were, it’s not like we couldn’t rebuild it. If we got into another world war, you bet your ass we’d start pumping these things out pretty quickly.