
Law enforcement now uses “child sexual abuse material”, abbreviated as CSAM. They specifically don’t use “porn” because porn has the connotation that it’s sexy and fun. CSAM are essentially crime scene photos.

A couple of things – first, so is a hell of a lot of non-child pornography, and second, not all child pornography is. Pornographic images and videos of children aren’t always of children being penetrated or even touched at all. There needs to be a catch-all term that covers all sexual images and videos of children,

People should stop using the term “child porn” for the same reasons. They are films and photographs of rapes

Things I hate to admit (journalist here):

I think there’s some real confusion going on in this article and, then not shockingly, in the comments below. In Tibetan Buddhism, any sex that’s not straight up generic sex meant for creating a new life is considered misconduct. That’s for everyone, and it’s rooted in many things, not the least of which is the idea

I can’t watch the video but the part about attractiveness seems a bit like a dad joke gone wrong. Like “of course she’d have to be pretty! After all, the only reason I’ve done so well is because of how hot I am!” *dad chuckle*

You must be fun at parties.

I hope you’re just trying to play the devil’s advocate here. None of the airstrikes performed by the eleven nation coalition that is led by the US have targeted Assad’s forces. On the contrary, they are hitting Assad’s enemies. If the Russian’s decided to fire on any coalition aircraft for violating Syrian airspace,

The US cozying up to Assad is pretty much a non-starter.

I imagine the people having some of the worst days are commissioned sales people at said stand alone VW dealers.

Even worse, what if you work at a standalone dealership?

It sucks for the thousands of VW employees who were led to believe they were selling a good product and now their livelihoods are in jeopardy. Everyday going forward, their workday is going to suck.

No, this is her doing. She’s a total nutbar.

Noooooooo, TOO SOON. RIP, Dobby. Sniff sniff.

I just....I can’t help but wonder if this has all spiralled out of this woman’s control and she’s being egged on by a cabal of Evangelicals. I can’t comprehend the zeal to fuck over people who are hurting no one.

God, when reached for comment:

Not several, two! It’s not a big difficult number…

Tyler, we should hear him out. After all, didn’t you hear? Just because he wasn’t in the military doesn’t mean he didn’t get “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.”

“You’ll see things here that look odd, even antiquated. Uh, antiquated to modern eyes, like phones with cords, awkward manual valves, computers that, well, barely deserve the name. It was all designed to operate against an enemy who could infiltrate and disrupt even the most basic computer systems. Galactica is a