
Under his logic, the U.S. Can annex any territory it has a base in.

Yeah I’m sorry but they did not have the ‘right’ to annex part of Ukraine. They may have pulled it off without major consequences but it was still wrong. Legally and morally.

I’ll never understand how some women can hate other women so much.

Yeah....I’m due a month after her and I’ve been in “nothing but elastic waists” for months now...so power to her, I guess? Also, is it me or does her face (the expression mostly) remind any one else of an Olsen twin?

This is exactly what confounds me the most. My father is a Rush Limbaugh-listening conservative asshole. He's racist and hates children. And he thinks Planned Parenthood is WRONG because abortion. But damn if he actually wants to pay for any social services for them when they're born.

I think this is when words are important. She's despicable but not a monstrous. ISIS is monstrous.

Is there anything to Burning Man other than rich people in ornate hippie costumes pretending that they discovered psychedelics?

I’m not sure if this is accurate or just wishful thinking, but I kind of believe (hope?) that while in the dog’s care the child must have been alright, at least for a bit.

It seems no matter what vehicle she attempts to use she’s doomed to be pedestrian.

My thoughts exactly. A two year old in that state and being fed by a dog is physically -and psychologically- harmed.

Right? Like I don't understand why that wasn't enough. Just because his bones aren't broken and he doesn't have bruises, doesn't mean that she should be walking around free.

“Showed no signs of physical harm” my ass! Skin infection, lice infestation, and having to be fucking fed by a dog are all SIGNS OF HARM. Jesus Chile, get your shit together.

Shades of Romulus and Remus.

I hope someone adopts both the child and the dog. Poor baby, I can’t believe the mother wasn’t arrested. What a good dog. Probably was just like “No ones gonna feed this human puppy? You should be ashamed of yourselves” lays down to feed the human puppy.

Once again, dogs are better than humans.

Like what is that? Does he just casually call women bitches in his every day conversations with them as a regular thing, or is this interviewer just extra special? Wtf?

he needs to shut up.

I am rarely serious and earnest posting here but as a disabled Veteran and the husband of a VA Social Worker who works with homeless Vets, please allow me to thank you for the work you do.

Sports torts are notoriously difficult to prove, because the violence must not be specific to the nature of the sport in question (i.e., a hockey player who gets slammed especially hard into the boards has no claim, since the act of playing that sport involves a certain assumption of risk).

You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.