
What you say is true, but at the same time, if the top leadership really didn’t like it, they’d shut it down, and fast. China very often tends to use this sort of distance to send a message while still maintaining official deniability. The chinese leadership’s biggest fear is losing control, so when things seem to be

It’s not even a Tencent news logo. It says Tencent video, which is the default logo for any video uploaded to Tencent. It’s like having a video that says “YouTube”.

If you think those massive vehicles could actually be mobilized without someone knowing and being able to track them, we need to have a few words. In the 60’s the Blackbird was able to photograph vehicles from 80,000 feet while going Mach 3 with enough clarity to read a license plate. I think we’d be able to find

In a bureaucracy as big as China’s, you’re going to have different elements interpreting official policy in different ways. This video clearly portrays the hostility that some in the highest rungs of China’s military feel towards the U.S. Whether it was equally sanctioned by China’s political leadership we can’t say.

Also lets not forget that the current Communist Chinese government has murdered more Chinese citizens (50-70 million) than all invasions combined. They dont really give a shit about Nanjing or raping until they can poke the Japanese with it. Otherwise they wouldn’t continue to murder and enslave a massive portion of

The video does not have any PLA logos or mention of PLA in the credits. Rather it has a big Tencent News logo, so I have some doubts about that claim. Perhaps they consulted with the PLA before releasing it, but that is different from the PLA contracting them to release the video.

I once worked in the film business and did a film in NYC with Golden Harvest. We kept needing to rent more sand bags etc and they kept asking why, what do you need this for, we told them its to keep ballast for the light stands and other rigs, they said, oh, in China we use people for that. About a month into the film

UMMMMM... according to this article and the Council on Foreign Relations, the video is an official release of the PLA.

They conveniently left out what happens next. Either:

Except those video games aren’t an official production of the United States government.

I’m pretty sure the government in Taiwan beat Japan, you guys

Everything you need to know about Kris Jenner is that she apparently has no problem with her teenage daughter dating this low-life.

Basically, these are guys who would be happier with a Fleshlight if they could just find somewhere in the house to keep it.

There is still negative beliefs and stereotypes about sex workers. This guy might see cheating on his wife with another married woman as less shameful than hiring a prostitute.

The bastards doing this are cheap.

This. You don’t “find yourself” being a piece of human garbage. It’s a conscious choice. He chose it. He’s not a victim of circumstance, and no external power kept him from doing the only moral thing: asking his wife for an open marriage and failing that, exiting his marriage.

“But when you’re trying to hook up with a married man, that guy already has enough on his plate without having to jump through the hoops of dating.”

I do like that anyone who objects to infidelity was preemptively called a “hater,” though. Stay classy, Tracy.

It’s easy to picture a tightly-wound freak emerging from the gym, seeing the truck, and dropping his gym bag while a stain of rage-urine re-darkens on the front of his pants, but the truth is I just don’t know...