
Women’s soccer and women’s tennis are every bit as good as the men’s game.

You are the reason I’m so glad I work at a restaurant that has a livable wage and discourages tips. You sound like a jerk that puts servers through hell for your measly $5

I’m guessing you like a lot of caramel in your frappuccino.

You just... suck. There’s no way around it. You sound like fun to go out with/serve.

You sound fun.

It’s pretty rich for someone to bitch and whine about etiquette in one breath, and then to refer to their dining companions as “dogs” who “scarf” their food in the next. I don’t expect you’ll need to worry about your plate being taken away before everyone else’s for long. Table for one!

Why should your friends have to wait for you to finish before getting their drinks or desserts? You and the writer of the WaPo piece have a serious case of Special Snowflake Syndrome. Also, servers are not your servants, no matter how much you want to argue semantics. If you treat them as such, you deserve whatever

As a former server, it drives me nuts when my table isn’t pre-bussed, especially if I have kids with me who are using everything they can grab on the table as weapon against me or themselves. Can’t win ‘em all, servers. But I suspect I tip better.

I hate that the Doomsday Clock was changed to be an overall assessment of all threats to humanity. When it represented only nuclear annihilation, it had impact because the consequence was easily understood and dramatic. “One wrong move and civilization ends immediately.”

As was explained to me once by my father, its a matter of accuracy. If you aim an ICBM at the pitchers mound of a stadium, it will land somewhere in the stadium. If you aim at the same pitchers mound with an F-35 dropped smart bomb, you will hit somewhere on the mound. While that doesn’t seem like a big issue since we

“Yeah, that’s not cool,” said Professor Funkelschlotz.

Strategic nukes, not so much, but tactical nukes for hardened, purely military targets (think Iranian uranium enrichment site, Allah help us all) require precision.

The idea is that smaller players will see the low yield, pinpoint precision, tactical weapons as a more credible deterrent. Sorta like being able to slap the shit out of a younger sibling, instead of murdering them.

Things were relatively simple back during the bipolar world order of the late 20th century. It was the “Red or dead” era and America responded and triumphed in that two-horse race. Now it’s more like ‘Game of Thrones’, where threats include the obvious, the cunning upstarts, and the unknown.

I will never understand this attitude. I HATE the two minute check or whatever it’s called, when the waiter comes over to see if everything’s okay when you have taken 0-2 bites of your food. But it would never occur to me to blame the waiter for that. It literally happens at every single restaurant. Does he think all

I couldn’t fit this in the post itself, but it made me laugh:

You know what the appropriate response is when a server asks to bus your table but you don’t want them to?

Why the hell does he even care about his dirty but otherwise empty dish being cleared away? Why does he *want* that thing in front of him? Seriously? I have no problem with servers pre-bussing. I always figured it wasn’t to get me out the door quicker, but to increase the chance I’ll order dessert and give them an

It must be nice not to have to work through grad school or - God forbid, after - in a service job.

Roberto Ferdman is super special and never worked for minimum wage or in a service job, so he’s super special and the world revolves around his personal preferences. That’s all I really got from this.

No — I am Lexusblind.