
Think how conflicted Mr. TEA Party Bible Beater Himself would be about that!

True story: The producers of Independence Day wanted to get official cooperation from the military for the movie. Lots of films get cooperation (think Top Gun) and the Pentagon has an entire publicity branch to facilitate these relationships.

Giant robots, it’s the only answer.

oh, so the square version is perfectly ok. i get it now. the square one doesn’t symbolize institutional racism and slavery, it’s only the rectangular one that does. conversations like this would be so much easier if they only had you around to clear up this little detail. we could have avoided all of the confusion and

Native Americans you mean? Indians live in India.

Because “the Indians” are a monolithic group of people who all have the exact same opinions. And they live in teepees and do rain dances and say, “how” and “ugh.” Fact.

Well ignoring it for 150 years hasn’t made it go away either, so what do you suggest?

Use of the Confederate flag is meant to be inflammatory, so by being agitated by it and making a fuss, we’re helping the people who use it validate it’s existence. I’ve seen more confederate flags over the past three days than I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s been a good PR week for the defacto America symbol of

The confederate flag is an embarrassment. It is a symbol of treason and secession for the purpose of keeping other human beings as slaves*. Folks in the South still putting the damn thing up everywhere is disgusting. It’s like if towns in Germany flew the swastika flag saying it’s “heritage.”

I think that if the shit hits the fan, the Chinese will backstab the Russians and take Siberia. That’s what I would do.

Yes, I think he is. He views the west as technically strong but completely lacking the will to fight. He figures that if he bites off small bits at a time and doesn’t go all in all at once, he can gain a lot of territory before the west really reacts to counter him.

Sweden was neutral during WWII as well. Even Hitler wasn’t enough to pull them out of neutrality, but Putin might be.

And somehow some ignorant fool will come in and blame the US for this “aggression” towards the “peaceful” Russians

My sister used to work for the CDF. When she was at the academy, they drilled using real fire.

To this Native American woman, hell would be in the same room as this guy. Hell on earth is watching his movies :p

He golfed at the club I worked at wearing the craziest getup. Lots of weird patternclashing going on that day.

I don't think the archaeologists are entirely sure. Here's what the BBC said about it: