
Suge has always had strong ties to the Bloods, and rose pretty high on their ranks. He was supposed to be an ex member as far as the public was concerned, but supposedly used their drug money to help start Death Row. Rumor was Tupac was sick of the lifestyle and trying to get out anyway he could, with as much as he

Edgar Winter's grandson?

That is the only way to survive a chain restaurant! YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT!

I sincerely hope this serves as a lesson for artists everywhere. When you do business with giant dickbag corporations like the NFL don't be surprised when they act like a giant dickbag corporation.

Nipples and obscene gestures have no place amongst the brutally violent sport dedicated to family values.

I'm only willing to comment on this bluntly because this is a burner account...

I think you may be on to something. Guys will spread their legs super wide to accommodate their genitals under the pretense that they are 'too large' to fit in a standard seating position, but what if it is the opposite? Like your

My boyfriend is a living bitch-slap to this lie about crushed genitals: He is hung like a whale (and I can compare, because I've been a certifiable slut for eight years) and he sits with his legs crossed all. the. time. He shakes his head when he sees this shit.

Guys. We don't believe you. What we do believe: You've

Some constructive criticism, thehunchbackofnotredwayne, since I see you are interested in pursuing a path in sexist trolling: you need to commit (I would suggest you fact-check, too, put that's probably beyond you — Maddie is a staff writer here, just FYI! That is a full-time position, and also a vagina is not

You are not good at this.


It's an epidemic.

I love Japan, Pizza, and Cats. This is the best commercial of all time.

Yes! I used to watch this in high school, and it changed me. It was exactly the right time for me to watch it, and it has informed my opinion on the importance of sex education.

Now playing

Relevant for those who don't know who she is;

Does anyone out there remember Sue Johanson? When I was in university, we would all congregate on Sunday nights to watch her sex advice show. Absolutely brilliant. This article reminded me of her.

Well, it does work in some other way, because if butter were easier to spread I would probably put it on everything. The butter being hard to spread coupled with my laziness ensures that I will not eat tons of butter. I NEED OBSTACLES I HAVE NO WILL POWER.

So if somebody starts jacking off at you, pull out your camera phone.

I hate it because it's a social media thing. I'm not on social media at all but that doesn't stop random people from challenging me as I walk by minding my own business. And while it is for a good cause and the compilation video of people not realizing how much water weighs is humorous, please don't try to drag me

I don't think conflating immigration and gentrification is useful at all. Both are very complex, and not necessarily related. The concept of gentrification already includes in-migration, which is more usual.

A very well written and thoughtful piece. But I think focusing on the people behind this as "immigrants" is a little off the mark. These are incredibly wealthy individuals and corporations that are buying up property and incredibly not wealthy people being pushed out.