
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

Counterpoint: if you knew you were being watched, would you still watch porn and/or fap? Take showers while being naked? Sleep while being almost naked? Go to the toilet? Make funny faces in front of the mirror or crazy dances in the room with the curtains closed? Listen to songs, watch movies/shows/videos or read

If you have an android phone and a google account they keep track of everywhere you go.

Sometimes crazy people are dead bang on. He's 100% right, we've all traded privacy for convenience.

Could be used to try on new outfits while in a stall at the store you're shopping from, maybe try on a new tattoo before committing. For medical, you could technically project an "x-ray" view to explain a fracture or a procedure.

What was the name of the other Zucker dude who invented world's second most hated internet thingy???

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

(bottle) red-head

To steal what someone else said on another message board: Technically, suicide is a selfish act. However, people who are clinically depressed to the point where they're seriously considering suicide aren't capable of thinking rationally about such things.

this whole thing is in hungarian... in hungary. at some farmer's market, probably. why do i know this? well... because i am hungarian, that is, i was at one time. the guy also owns the rabbit, he says they are used to oneanother... except the rabbits are huge and mean. according to him. then there is some discussion

Now playing

The quality is AWFUL, but this movie is magic and will always make me smile.

The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.

Men have no idea what tampons and pads cost and how deeply essential they are. There's a huge stigma about menstruation that makes a dude buying tampons for his usually overly emotional girlfriend into a tired TV comedy show trope. Women in poor countries either have nothing to bleed into it (and lose jobs and school

I watched this shitstorm on Twitter. (She's fearless when confronted with shit like this, btw.) Guys. SHE NEVER SAID 'I WANT FREE TAMPONS.' She only asked if people knew about any programs in other countries. Just asking that simple question provoked people to call her a cunt. Also, I highly recommend following

So what is your criticism here? Actually forget it.

What are you talking about? Who is talking about conspiracies or anything other than experimental aircraft. Read the post before commenting.

Lately I have had an influx of extremely polite cat-calls. For example, I was walking home, and a guy called out.

"Miss! Excuse me, miss?"
I turned, completely expecting something terrible. Then...
"Your dress is absolutely lovely."

I've had this compliment THREE TIMES, all from different men. Instead of shouting "Hey big