
Great. Now I can't be angry with congress. You could sell me anything if you let me hang out on the bridge of the Enterprise. Literally anything. Like tribbles. You could sell me thousands of tribbles and I would give no f*%#s.

I think a Borg Cube may have been more apropos.

These are soo photoshopped. Fake!

Jesus Christ. The Federal Reserve is printing 85 BILLION a month for no reason other than to let it rot in bank vaults. And you're acting like cutting a couple billion here and there from basic science and military research is somehow prudent? It's that Fox News provincialism getting the better of your judgement.

Small? And it was not a reduction of the increase; it was a reduction of the total.

I am angry about the sequester.

Agreed. It needs more Jaaaaaaaag-ness.

I'm not going to defend people who obviously don't take care of themselves, but you have to admit that what you said simply doesn't work for everyone. If I eat healthy food and exercise and still weigh 50 lbs more than my lazy friend who eats junk all day, it's certainly not my fault and his lifestyle deserves no

Not sure if you're supporting my point or arguing against it. And yes, i've thought about it.

HA!!! Now, tell us about area 52!!!

Interesting to get it from a FA perspective. I had some intense pain in my lower back before I flew back Stateside (I was living in Germany at the time) and the day befoso the flight some friends convinced me to get it looked at it before I flew. Good thing I did - my appendix had burst and that could've proved very

It's such a hard thing. Flights are expensive, and in this case I hope no one realised they were sick until it was too late. But if anyone ever feels a bit dodgy before a flight, please let the ground crew know, and reschedule.

Virology isn't even remotely my game, so take this with a grain of salt (along with other electrolytes as you hydrate), but... Cost and logistics aside, I'm not sure this would be useful, as the incubation time of these digestive disasters is comparable to the time to get lab results.

Care to explain your moral compass? I don't get it. If you live in NY and you use ANYTHING that uses fossil fuel your contributing to the green house gas release. Unless you bike to work and use NO electricity at all, your a hypocrite. The only people who can pull that high ground stunt are Amish people and I don't

Then why is London so hot? Most people there don't have A/C, only the wealthy, large retailers & modern offices do.

It's great that you can stomach it, but don't forget that some people can't. Heat waves kill lots of people every year— it's actually the leading weather-induced fatality. Kids, the elderly, sick people, and normal people who just can't handle such high temperatures. My boyfriend, for example, can't take this heat.

Awe how cute. Someone who truly believes that their little sacrifices actually make the world a better place. Put your hair shirt away. The earth will continue to get warmer whether you wear it or not.

I'm just happy that New York has such a stand up citizen looking out for its future. Bravo to you!

Kiss my ass. It was over 106 in my apartment when I got home today, with darkened windows, drapes and SIX fans. I have tried every trick in the book, and the AC is the only thing that worked.

Lol, the babies and old folks can die now so people in the future can use their electronics? THAT is some forward thinking, in the most literal sense of the phrase.