
Well, I gotta disagree about Jessica Jones. I loved it.
How do you feel it changed? Isn’t that what a show is supposed to do if there is a real plot? Especially for JJ, because she starts out as a tortured loner and then has to learn to accept help to achieve her goals. Isn’t that fairly classic?
Anyway, not trying to

I’m not sciency enough to answer, but I do know that there is blue-yellow colorblindness...so probably not. I’m sure there is a way to change something in the nature of the colors though to make them easier to recognize. Looking up colorblind powerpoint presentation is enlightening.

We had to study this in an anthropology class. People don’t tolerate even slight accent differences in their own languages very well, much less patois. Its to be expected and is part of the deal when you create art using uncommon elements. People aren’t magic; they respond predictably. Her album sales would indicate

Thank you!

Buzz is a dick but this is funny!

I don’t know if that would help substantially. My boyfriend has red-green colorblindness and he admitted he struggles with lights. The order of the lights is how he tells, but also says the lights blow about in the wind enough to make him unable to tell which light in the sequence is lit. Anyway, he said the movement

I’m glad you have chosen to forgive him. I think its a very compassionate and optimistic thing to do.
I feel that some people were nastier toward him than other people like Mel Gibson who were outed as racist. Do you think Galliano’s dual-gender aspect had something to do with that?

I’m very happy about this development myself. I sew, just as a personal hobby, but enough to know just how brilliant he is and how different he is as a designer. He truly is highly skilled in a way that the others aren’t.
I am very disturbed by the way he’s been treated by some people. Surely Drumpf’s obviously racist

I read all this and thought, ‘Bluish-white smoke from the exhaust is abnormal’?

This is very helpful! Thank you for posting this!

“And easier to design in general. Just make a huge rectangle with holes, and you’re done! No curves, no problems.”

“A great deal of this inertia strikes me as laziness on the part of the fashion houses”

Banging on about the success of bombing Japan is stupid for many reasons, but mostly because the Japanese were strongly connected to Japan, the physical place, despite any expansionist intentions. It was to be the holy center of any empire they created. They stopped when they saw we were willing to destroy it. ISIS

He doesn’t care.

Tyler, thank you for your sensible, not sensationalist, reporting!

“Because flying over them years ago would have prevented China from building them up? Nonsense.”

“So you Americans will not complain when China flies within 12NM fromthe coast of California - just to make sure.”
Well, are you going to complain when ANY world government decides to use that international waterway the way its supposed to be used? Don’t be surprised if your illegally built sand castle gets knocked

“Nice of China not to shoot down those attack planes. I wonder what the USA would do if China started flying bombers 12 miles off New York?”
What an idiotic comment. How is New York analogous to fake islands built in the middle of an international waterway? That’s a collectively owned area and I hope the world gets

Omg. That’s really pathetic and sad. You have problems. Seriously.

Go away.