
You are talking about yourself. I do wish you would stop trying to include me in this mess.

“What the hell is wrong with you?
Why are you personalizing any of this?
Do you have a problem? If so, deal with it away from me. My comments shouldn’t be making you so angry and weird.”
I’m not angry at all. Just commenting honestly. Your comments were quite harsh and my reactions to them quite measured, I think.

““Temptation” is just seeing what you want to see at the exact time you want to see it. Nothing else. You can’t be “tempted” unless you were already open to the idea.
Cheating is just the physical manifestation of the problems that exist in the relationship that neither party is dealing with either separately or

No. It’s all you.

Saying “it is what it is” about anything, much less the topic of cheaters who run off with very young people, is so worthless and overdone and therefore meaningless that you really should just not say it. About anything, ever. It’s almost as bad as, “Just saying”.

“Exactly. It’s like sailing by an oil rig.”

I feel like real “freedom of navigation” for everyone on planet Earth would be to cruise along as though they aren’t there. Which means they need to pack up and leave. They would fall apart if any other countries tried this shit. Seriously. Maybe someone they really hate could get some funding from the rest of the

I’m just having a hard time understanding how the example of China cruising past Alaska is relevant since Alaska wasn’t built from a sandbar in the middle of international waters.
Isn’t that the whole point? They aren’t supposed to be there. If we allow them to do this, they could continue to expand their territory all

“common courtesy dictates that when there’s traffic behind you, you match the number on the sign or you pull over.

“Not sure about you, but I don’t want to glow in the dark.”
Heh, I’m not sure I understand your response. My comment was in response to someone else and was meant to imply that I hope the Chinese stop building islands in international waters in order increase their naval territory and hem in others.
Why would this make

Thank for this reply. Another commenter, RagingBulldog, said the islands in question were added onto sandbars that were already in international waters. They haven’t been inside Chinese territory during any phase of this. I really can’t believe that was allowed. Very disturbing.

Thanks for that. I didn’t realize these islands were inside international waters. To me, that is completely unacceptable. How is everyone okay with this? They should get zero miles and six months to put those sandbars back like they found them.
Why is the UN allowing this?

“We have a right to every nautical mile of international water on the planet. Unless it’s within 12 miles of an artificial island, it’s international water.”

“At the very least those islands would be wiped clean of any building or infrastructure the Chinese have been working to build”
I don’t want to see any ships sunk, but that sounds like an excellent outcome.

Well, you’re right. They should have had this little confrontation BEFORE they started building the islands. What do you suggest? Waiting for them to build more?

I’m sure they’ll just crank that shit higher. Or build more. Really, they don’t care about climate change.

It might be...if we weren’t responding at all to changes in the political arena.

O. M. G. That’s a crazy workday.

Thank you for telling this story! Also, thank you for your service! Out of curiosity, why did all those troops puke?

Well, I have seen him speak in person and I can tell you that he is very smart and very concerned about the challenges that all women all over the world face every day. He has talked before about how wrong it is that women have to go to so much trouble to be attractive to get jobs, etc. He absolutely feels this is