
I gotta look this up. I have the southerner’s usual ignorance/awe of the Great Lakes. No idea how big they are or how they are used by commerce and government.

But isn’t the partying lifestyle a contributing factor in this young person’s death? Or is this a joke that I’m not catching? My apologies if that’s the case.

Stop telling women what to do. And the opinions of men don’t have anything to do with her(or his) statement of shock at his treatment by the courts.

“Abusive parents — mothers and fathers — fight for parental rights all the time as a means of control.”
This is something I wish more people understood. Thank you for saying it.

I was someone who was between two terrible parents and who stopped going to see my dad when I was 15. This case was what I imagined might happen to me as a result of decision to keep myself safe. My dad threatened this kind of thing against me but never got a judge like this thankfully. Anyway, I hope their mom is a

This is the best thing I’ve ever heard about Australia. Thank you!

This is really distressing because it seems as though your cousin listens to con artists like this faker. Like she really believes in them. How sad.

No, it’s where they’re filming the next XFiles season. Also, don’t they need special hangars to film the faked moonwalks? That stuff gets complicated.

Yes, I agree. Though I don’t know enough about their prior clashes to have any real opinion on what land or other assets they want from each other. I do, however, believe their alliance is predicated on a desire to gain primacy in world affairs over the west. Mostly to secure oil, etc. I think they both know their

Putin might be more modern than we think in some respects. He’s providing an excellent distraction while China sets up in the South China Sea. The two are more allies than enemies it seems these days. Perhaps that’s coincidence, but I rather doubt it.

Aww, come on now. I bet he’s a little sweetheart.

What the hell is he trying to say? I find it hard to believe she looked super bad. Wall Street? Living single and having friends in NYC? I bet she was wearing Prada. I feel like sometimes men condemn super fashionable ladies because we aren’t half-naked. A lot of high fashion covers the body. It’s about structure and

I have two elderly cats that I pill every twelve hours. It is totally doable. He has the money to get a tech to come in so his wife doesn’t have to touch the icky cat, or they have to travel for work.
I really wish Jackson Galaxy or someone else would do a show about how to live with a chronically ill pet. Because if

O. M. G. I can’t believe you said that. Also, the cuts are different, but I think the texture here is what ol’ Rach was trying to fake.
But yeah, I feel like this is the Rachel haircut that no one will want. Like, the universe is in perfect equilibrium right now.

Is that Hello Kitty in the cockpit?

Agreed on the tranracial thing. I do think this woman was abused, even if it was just the neglect of her parents seeing mental illness and doing nothing about it. Pathological liars are sick people who need treatment. They are difficult to treat but its necessary because of the incredible damage they can do in

If she had been doing such crazy things all her life then they should be able to point to all the times they got her psychological help. That’s their responsibility as parents. I think she’s nuts, but I also think her parent are the controlling abuser types who make you regret you were born if you cross them types.

Yeah, but her deal seems crazy, as in needs help, rather than something with negative intent in her heart. Anyway, one of the black children her parents adopted has left their care to live with her. I don’t think they would go live with the embarrassing white sister pretending to be black if these parents were so

I see. Thank you for the examples! They make this very clear. 4 is definitely pushing it. Maybe that’s what finally inspired people to track down her parents?

It’s gonna be an awesome Lifetime movie for sure.