
Me too, except in that same article I link to, her mother says that one of the adopted black children has gone to live with Rachel. I had to think about that for a bit. Imagine knowing that your sister is white because you are an adopted black child brought into the family, yet you still decide to go and live with her

The fact that this person can’t see that the undefinable “clicking” with only white actresses is the racist part of their casting process is really crazying. Why can’t they see that THAT is the issue?

Anonymous producer:
“If you’re going to wait around to find the perfect actress who is a quarter Asian, and not just a quarter Asian but a quarter Hawaiian Asian, you will never cast your movie.”
I’m usually sympathetic to casting difficulties, but surely Emma Stone wasn’t as close as they could get?

Is this some sort of official scale she is referring to?

I think that the origin of whatever is going on in her head involves her parents being the kind of people who would out her in public rather than quietly informing her bosses at the NAACP and getting mental health professionals involved. They let this go a loooong time, and then felt this was the way?
Sorry, something

I kind of understand and it really bothers me that Beyonce is involved because its going relegate this to a laughed at fad in a few years when she moves on to a new business venture. I *think* they are trying to say that this is one way to reduce meat consumption overall. Like telling a meat eater to have a “veggie

I’m really sorry your friends would torture you like that. It’s really strange that educated vegetarians would be against someone who is financially supporting one of the best ways to fight factory farming: sustainable animal husbandry. As a vegetarian myself, I have never spoken to anyone like that and I don’t know

WTF have you done? Omg, I just had a Paula Deen-themed seizure!

Did you see my reply to him? I meant years behind in both knowing about their ambitions and doing something about it, not in tech. We should have been a bigger presence in the Pacific years ago. That was my point. They have been testing our resolve in defending Taiwan and our other allies for years. Now we are finally

Assimilate is a great word for this. It is putting us in an awkward position, isn’t it? Because we can’t really attack an enemy that isn’t invading without real political upheaval here at home.

Hmm... Yes, I think we’re years behind in confronting them. They’ve been scandalous for a while. We should have supported our allies in that area the way they asked us to and confronted China over those islands and about a 1000 other things.
And I was asking for a link because I don’t know what “announcement” you were

We’ve always been years behind them. I don’t see how any announcement could take them by surprise. Got a link?

Sooo...does this apply to people who self medicate with things like Nyquil or take sleeping pills to get 6 hours? Because I’m getting 4-6 hours a night, but it’s down to Nyquil. I’m assuming I’m losing REM sleep or something, in addition to the liver terrors.

Perfectly reasonable? Exactly what kind of teen crime are you imagining her to have committed where that is the reasonable punishment? I can’t think of any. Now, if her dad was pissed because she was threatening to tell her school counselor about his weird habits or strange family secret, then cutting off her hair to

I’m wondering this too. I hope they answer! I know nothing about these ships, but I’m imagining that going overboard would mean near instant death from the blunt force trauma incurred when getting mashed against the side by the water and whatnot. Also drowning. Surely a safety net would be better.

No, I posted it as a direct response to your comment. However, since your comment was so very similar to others, I did indeed mention them in my response. I don’t understand your reasoning in questioning why I would comment, but so you will understand, I responded to your comment because you seemed the most verbally

This isn’t just an orgy though. Most of that video is them abusing sex workers. That’s why this is newsworthy. No one questions why dudes would have orgies with their buddies on the same bed anymore. Polite society just wants them not to abuse the girl kind enough to rim them for a fee. Unbelievable that none of you

Thank you! I have two rescue cats and these sorts of articles bother me as well. Especially when I’ve learned first hand just how affectionate cats are and how much attention they need.

If you watched that video and still feel that those women were having fun being violated like that, then YOU don’t have any right to go around accusing others of being a boring lay. I don’t have any problem with people getting sex workers and “having fun”, but you better treat them with respect. Anything is

Is this music the pilots chose, or was this a promo video put together by Navy pr? Personally, I think its perfect for this.