Magnesium spray? For cramps? Tell us more please.
Magnesium spray? For cramps? Tell us more please.
This is an interesting question, but the Japanese government’s response doesn’t yet indicate such dire straits. I read an article recently on the shortage of nurses in Japan due to the aging problem they have, and they go out of their way to make sure as few nurses are able to emigrate there as possible. If you want…
This is shocking to me because I thought all soldiers were armed already. So, did the Jordanian pilot really not have a decent weapon with him? Do US pilots have decent weapons on their person during flight?
“Imagine being another nation and just being accustomed to having the US fly and sail wherever they want across the globe and watch them invade other countries with little lashback even when they do it based on inaccurate/falsified intelligence...”
I feel this way also but in my few travels in Asia, people repeatedly…
It’s my understanding from news reports that the US has been giving Japan more leeway to defend itself, mostly because of China. Do you think this is accurate? I would think that this missile plan would have been voted down by the US if this were not the case. In any case, I’m glad they are doing this. It’s about time.
This is very interesting. I’d never heard this before. Quite the opposite actually. The military’s relationship to the Party and how that effects their island-building strategies, etc. would make a great topic here. Maybe Tyler can find someone with lots of knowledge on it.
Well as I said in my comment, I don’t think they are an immediate threat, but figuring out what you mean by “real” when you supply no other info to illuminate me leads to believe that you feel it’s just about what I said above. You know, because I didn’t say China was an immediate threat to us. But they are a real…
Wow. Well, he is one of the ones who starred my post. It’s certainly no ringing endorsement, but it’s not a kick in the ass either. And I’m NOT asking for “advocacy” (vomit).
I’m asking for an op ed series.
The situation in Asia is extremely complex and we do have a role to play in it. Why is “advocacy” to ask someone…
I do hope you read shortyoh’s answer to your question. Ask most people in South and Southeast Asia and they will tell you that we aren’t intervening nearly enough. There is great frustration over our perceived lack of support and abandonment. No one who knows anything about Taiwan can accuse us of being aggressive.
Tyler, thank you so much for reporting on this.
I’ve been really concerned about China for years. I think it’s impossible to read about what they have done to Tibet, Nepal, India, and Taiwan (as well as their more recent dam-building madness that has greatly reduced the rivers running into countries like Thailand),…
Oh yes you did. Right in your post to Cosima at 7:21 this evening.
“Both of them were in same country originally and were getting into Spain. I feel bad for them that their situation was desperate but no excuse to do that to a child.”
But it seems from your responses to everyone suggesting there may well be a…
Considering some of the nastiness going down in Libya and other places right now, I’m not sure the dad was totally wrong to do this. Considering how dangerous the trip is by boat, he probably thought the kid was safer in a carry on.
I would agree with you if this father and son were from the US or Europe. Who are we to speculate on what they were trying to get away from? These aren’t spoiled westerners who didn’t want to buy an extra ticket for their kid because they couldn’t find a babysitter while they went on vacation. This dad might have been…
Well you are lame indeed. Sad, son. Just sad.
I don’t understand your first sentence.
Are you sure that is what “Islam” means? In what language? What does that have to do with my comment?
Lastly, you are stuck on the idea that these were bad guys and therefore meat puppets. No one here is talking about that or contesting that in any way.
I was speaking to someone…
That is the argument of a sociopath. “Just animated meat” is not a good enough argument on which to hang an ethical framework.
And I don’t know anyone who thinks humans are “imbued with some kind of magical fairy dust”. What does that even mean? Are you saying you are an atheist? Well, me too. But a reactionary stance…
Why are you referring to humans as “meat puppets”? The two terrorists who were shot were certainly criminals and I’m glad they didn’t get the chance to hurt any more people, but your comment was not just about them.
I worked at a Subway in high school. This doesn’t surprise me. The worst were the weird ladies who would come in groups and order steak sandwich salads. They would then get extra oil and mayo. And when I say ‘extra’ I mean ‘1/4 to 1/2 a bottle each’. The lettuce and meat of their “salads” were actually swimming in oil…
I come from a country family myself. My family and neighbors didn’t kill animals unless it was necessary. Cats were, and still are, seen as really important because they keep down the rat population. Also moles/voles. Which are these things that can tear up gardens. Cats ultimately cause a lot less damage than the…
I guess you’re right. But he is doing this at work. Allen is supposedly reasonable on set and maintains friendships with people afterwards. But this guy....