
Great article! But I seem to gain weight if I go over 1000 calories a day. My reality just never matches up with these calculations. So I have to cut back to about 600 calories a day to lose weight, which is difficult to say the least. Exercise seems to worsen this problem, not make it better. I dunno, I really don't.

Yep. And we never fought either. Right up until the moment he admitted it, he was all hugs and support and daily talked about how happy he was that we lived together and that I was his best friend. I wasn't just missing signs. He was actively and strenuously lying about everything in his life. Anyway, he still calls

I don't know but I feel like the guys that aren't in jail for this kind of shit are carrying a around a big misogyny secret. And sometimes we get to see it. I wonder if I'll ever be less skeeved about all this. Glad you survived that car ride, by the way. Yeesh. What a dick.

Yes they are! And it's the ones who appear to be so sincere and sweet that I'm most suspicious of these days. My ex is someone who makes a great first impression. Everyone thinks he is SO nice. I try not to say anything or go for revenge, but I have taken a couple of our mutual work friends aside since he seems to be

How gross of him. I am so sorry for your daughter having to bear witness to that kind of fuckery from her father.

I've got to know about that cat! I'm worried for it but also just wondering what a guy like that would want with such obvious responsibility. Was it revenge for kicking him out? :(

Ugh. Sorry that happened to you. Why do they always deny it if they aren't into it anymore? Is it a control thing?
My ex acted like I was the love of his life until I proved that I knew what he'd been doing. Then it was just this complete turnaround where he actually said he'd never intended to date me as long as he

Sounds like they didn't like him too much. He was a dick all over!

I am soo allergic to Tiger Balm. Maybe he is too. I sure hope so!

Not married, but I lived with him for ten years and I'm worried about this. I'm sorry for your Mom but at least she found out. It's terrible to be lied to. The ex was lying to me so much that it still frightens me six months later. I feel like extreme liars could do other extreme bad things pretty easily. Maybe I'm

Are you ME? Damn, the same thing happened to me but it was after my sister's suicide and my two crowns in one day. I was not a baby about either, btw. He lost a tough woman and apparently the little twenty-two year old money maker as well. The whole thing is still so painful for me though. I will never date again, for

"Also, wouldn't it be weird to smile while you're just walking down the street? I'm smile, a lot, but it's usually when I'm talking to someone or when I'm with someone. Smiling is part of our non-verbal communication, if I'm not trying to communicate with anyone then I am probably not smiling. Ergo, if someone is

Thank you for saying this. Nobody gets that their "read" of someone might be off.
I also have some eye issues. Coupled with hearing loss, I'm wearing perma-bitchface, even when smiling. I swear, I'm thinking about botox. I feel like it's the only way I can get a break from everyone's poor judgement.

"I mean I've tried to cheer people up that look like they're having a bad day."
It's nice that you're trying to cheer people up, but issuing commands like this implies that you don't think that person really has the right to have their face, or their emotions, like they want them. I have been through some enormously

LOL! Those are awesome examples. I never think of witty shit like that when I'm boiling mad though. Hope I remember these!

"Or you know we could just use a wider variety of models."

"Oh my GOD, shut UP with the drama. Peace out — this is officially pointless."

Wow. I think you are making some great points and sum up well one of the reasons he has made me more queasy than usual. Racism amongst people of color toward themselves is something I have been becoming more aware of lately. It's sad and dangerous in some respects and I hope people keep talking about it because it's

"If they really want to be effective against ISIS they would be sending in ground troops supported by the F-16's and there Apaches. My guess is there is no way that's going to happen.. Anything else they do, is simply for show.."

This was a great article. Thank you! I've been able to lose thirty-five pounds in the last few months through dietary control alone. It's nice to know it's not a totally crazy way to go. My bmi is now 20, though I'd like to get it a bit lower to help with a bum knee problem. My trouble is that I have been unable to