
"I feel bad for him but what's with the filming? What's with the whole to-do?"
Perhaps he felt a need to document his family's abusive behavior towards him. I know I wish I had done that rather than covering for them for years. What I witnessed in that video has nothing to do with Christian outrage and everything to do

"but my sympathy runs dry when he opens his pants to shit on his dad and his entire family"
What did he do to his family in this video or via some other documentation you might have? I cried listening to this video, because this is how my parents treated me over nothing. I'm not gay and never had trouble with the law,

Actually this really works. I'm allergic to sunlight and my vampire-like skin darkened very nicely once I became a vegan. Well, a vegan who stays away from the delicious vegan junk food that's everywhere these days. Seriously, it's made a big difference in how I look. I think I look normal now, whereas in high school,

I'm a projectionist at a movie theater. I don't know why you are finding it difficult to believe he isn't. Most of the country has just made the switch to digital projection, with some holdouts areas with lower population. The digital conversion has loosely followed the way films are released, with large cities like

And it looks just like a Telefunken U47!

"Call out culture calls out microaggressions as some obstacle to be corrected, both without recognizing the extremely small impact they have and the huge likelihood that one's call-out is going to do absolutely nothing to change behavior."
I know I'm commenting rather late but I think this is an interesting point.

No, it doesn't show that at all. Why do you think that it does?

That statistic is of rapes that are reported through proper channels. If a person never reports a rape, then how can it be counted? If she isn't willing to keep his name up on FB, then is this a real accusation?

Ha! Me too! How did I get through high school without figuring that out?

That is really bothering me too, because I don't think they can legally do it without good reason and registering the animal, etc. For a wild animal, this person would need to have certain permits before they could have a vet conduct any sort of procedure, especially one that would render it unable to live naturally.

I agree. I also think that sane folks sometimes forget about "negative attention". I can't imagine why people would want that, but some do. I have worked with several people before who seemed to do things just to get in trouble. They knew how it would end and did it anyway. They seem to revel in being the pariah.

The statistics on false rape reports will only include the ones made to certain official sources and then were found to be false. Such as the Duke Lacrosse case. Certainly that one is part of Durham's statistics.
But cases like this one are interesting to me because they can be so damaging, yet there really isn't any

I don't have cable because I can't afford it. We are both soooo smug.

Wait...a photocall at a playground? Can you explain that more? I am thinking of the model's photocall; is it like that?

"Weird neck-illusion due to unidentified thingy behind him oO"
I sure hope so because I thought the poor guy had a goiter. Or maybe a realistic-looking goiter is part of his costume?

A major jerk from my high school moved from NC to CO just so he could become a pro snowboarder. A friend went to visit him and said the "resort" was packed to the gills with drug addled assholes from all over the place. Just hanging out while "working the ski slope" and waiting on their trust funds. Gross.

Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia are also hurting because of mistreatment by China. They have been begging us for help for years. Look up what China's dams are doing to the very little fresh water Vietnam and Thailand get. Frankly, I'm very surprised we aren't seeing much worse than this. I wish I could agree with

Sorry, this is about control of important shipping lanes. The world is breaking up into just a few "blocks" of allies in anticipation of wars over control of oil and water. This is part of China's pact with it's new ally, Russia. And if you doubt this, then do some reading on how they funded Syria's military,

My doc told me to take a multi along with extra calcium, D, and magnesium. I get terrible leg cramps when I slack off on these. Some people don't absorb some things effectively and need a little extra. I feel better and I've definitely been in places where I didn't have access to varied fresh food. Vitamins are