
Or die of a stroke because they think they are about to raped, tortured and murdered by a gang in the dark. Why does this chucklehead think everyone is magically going to infer that no harm could come from a group stopping their car in the dark. I panic when cops do this, but just a group of rando dicks? Jeezz.

In the middle of the night on a deserted road??? You sir, are a tone deaf dickhead and a fool. You should be lucky he didn't think he was about to murdered in some Saw-like massacre and either shoot you first or die of a heart attack.
What on earth? Where are your parents?? I don't care how old you are. Go call

Yeah, that'll work.

We have one of those programs in my city, Raleigh NC. However, a Republican ran here recently and won on a platform that consisted mostly of telling people he was going to make sure people could put whatever they wanted down their drains. We have big problems with the pipes falling apart and somehow people forget.

Wow, you're a tough one. That's pretty painful, but I do know a guy who also managed to walk it off for a few days. He made it, but barely. Most people end up in the hospital well before the bursting point.

Oh jeez, I know the airlines are unfairly bullying passengers with security but I wish the flight attendants had a bit of say so when it comes to stuff like this. Anyone who gets on a plane expecting to force everyone sitting near them to endure their vomiting is a big manipulative meanie. And I use the word 'force'

There's an Aldi in Raleigh, NC. My friends say its where they can buy cheap stale chips with their cheap wine. This seems amusing to them. Gag. I refuse to shop there.

How did Lionsgate get mixed up with a rape movie? Actually, how did a rape movie get released to begin with, from any distributor? I know we don't have censors, but was there really no one to put the brakes on this?

Jeez, if Corolla is saying that...

You quite neatly summarized my thoughts on him. It feels weird that I share this sort of connection with Amanda Bynes.

Why shouldn't a woman's body fat percentage drop below 18%?

I'm doing the same thing with my hair because I'm fat. My stylist hates it because he says he's worked hard to learn how to "open up the face". I bet Wintour's stylist is scared of her. I'm sure she only gets agreement and never any suggestions.

Yeah, I was down with the rest of this article, but they're asking a little too much with that one. A public toilet is a public toilet. As horrible as it is to see, small smears of poo in the toilet are part of the deal. At least it's in the toilet.

Amen. Thank you for saying that.

Anytime the subject of not enough sleep comes up, I'll chime in with my tales of woe. However, I definitely ain't bragging. I'm glad you can sleep.

Hey, I'm glad you got to go to grad school. Well done.

This article examines how just making the general public aware of this new scientific understanding will not help people with little control of their sleep schedules (the working poor) lose weight.

I feel like that blacksmith and shoemaker were also badass. Too bad most communities no longer really support skilled labor like that anymore.

Tempeh is a processed soy product. I like tempeh, I eat it all the time but it's not cool to suggest that's the only soy thing that's acceptable. I live in the south and even in small towns I can go into a Food Lion and find non-gmo tofu and other soy products. I've never purchased tofu that wasn't certified

Thanks for the link!