Genuinely curious here. What has JLaw done that's bad? It's been a long semester for me and I vaguely remember something she said that was (possibly) homophobic, but I can't remember. I'm terrible at google searches. I'm just pulling up ontd stuff.
Genuinely curious here. What has JLaw done that's bad? It's been a long semester for me and I vaguely remember something she said that was (possibly) homophobic, but I can't remember. I'm terrible at google searches. I'm just pulling up ontd stuff.
I quite like that Hathaway talks about vegan ice cream. She had to know people weren't going to like her for that, but she did it anyway. JLaw annoys me like anyone under 25 annoys me. I guess I'm old now, although I was saying that when I was 26.
It's okay, I did the same thing to Dave Chappelle. And on at least two occasions.
K, I'm never using samples again.
That is sad to think about, but totally possible. My ex used to freak out in his sleep and then get up and run around smacking into stuff for thirty seconds or so until he came to full awareness. He could do a lot of damage in thirty seconds.
Ruff Raleigh!!
In my gym class we learned that it's essential to "warm up" first. That means doing things like walking in place and lifting your knees as high as possible while (gently) swinging your arms for two minutes.
I dated a guy like this for a few years. I had no better reason than loneliness sucks. I was just hypersensitive to that particular suffering for some reason. However, things got bad enough for me to leave and after three lonely years I met a nice guy and am now happy on that front.
Tweeze those brows until they're ghosts. Powder, powder. Oh wait, mascara and lippie. You're done.
Interesting. I may look into that, although I feel like my friend was doing pilates. It probably wasn't with the right people though. That's a good website; there's someone on my street in the directory. Thanks for this.
Regrettably, I don't think the osteoporosis thing is a crapshoot anymore, if you're a female. And that's because I have so many friends with a bone density problem (we are mostly between 30 and 40). I only told you about one of my friends but there are several of us who have issues serious enough to warrant medical…
I would have agreed with you until about six months ago when an older friend of mine told me she has osteoporosis of the spine, something that runs in my family and has killed a few family members. This friend of mine works out daily. She has a Curves regimen that she sticks to and she walks (very fast) with weights… too. I like his articles because they have helped me try harder at fitness.
You leave him alone! Besides, that suit covers up all the muscle bling.
Okay, so I guessed this helped me because I thought my IRA was "saving".
Criticism for what? Wasn't she drugged?
Okay, I don't get how the silencer trick works on alarms. Maybe its because I'm too poor to own an alarm, but I'd still like to know.
Ha! I'm in the turkey leg club as well!