
Thank you for sharing that. It makes total sense that would be the official policy. I feel like our local news crews (Raleigh, NC) probably get the same advice because they seem so professional.

Oh I don't know...has anyone ever taken the concept of the noble savage seriously? He's advocating resistance in a generalized sense, so maybe the consumer pushing for electric cars or just better and better gas mileage with each successive model can part of that. He makes a point though; environmental activists may

If he had been drinking regularly and taking pills wouldn't the team have known that and taken him off the field? I thought they drug tested the players often. This is very sad and disturbing if true.

Wait...they used human poo to build a foundation? How would that work? Surely it was cattle or sheep dung, right? Did they just mix in a bit with something sturdier? This is very interesting. You have a cool job!

Take a look at "Northern European city" in the first sentence of the second paragraph. Mistakes abound. Thankfully I have two folks willing to volunteer as my editors.

Well, yeah... guess it was the "Northern European city" part of the second paragraph that really stuck with me. So glad this isn't a work or school project.

Isn't this just going to persuade more prostitutes to go on the Swedish version of Craigslist?

I'm knitting a black and grey version of the cowl in the very first photo. This piece is making like my project less.

This is great! Will you please do a series on slightly more difficult things like how to insert a table into Word? I just can't seem to get it. I always mess up my papers and my teacher is losing patience. Thanks!

I quite like this show. I think the writing is careful right now because they are trying to appeal to a broader audience, but it's not crap. All CGI is terrible to me, but I'm able to move past it because the show's overall vibe reminds me a bit of some of the X-Files quirky monster episodes and that makes me happy.