
‘Randy Oglesby’ is a great 70s porn name

Well, it’s a nice idea.

he’s probably not happy

In the immortal words of Gwen Demarco, ‘This episode was badly written. Whoever wrote this episode should die.

One of the inventors of reality TV AND a Bond film director. How many men can say that?

How is ‘11-34' a demographic? 

maybe you could give away everything you’ve ever worked for.

Sorry, what? Riz made the exact same film as Mogul Mowgli but with all the troublesome Muslim and terminal illness elements removed, for Amazon?

It doesn’t offer any answers at all, as it ends before Leroy’s career began to take off. Also, in real life, one person is never going to over-turn endemic racism in a massive organisation – but someone has to be The First. The Met may no longer be systematically racist but it remains systematically useless. Having

Seems to be a real time archive of Massive Citroen Advert.

“I used to dance with guys like you in prison!”

Wait, there are EIGHT Texas Chainsaw massacre films… and one starred Matthew McConaughey and Renée Zellwegger?! I feel like I’ve just fallen into an alternate dimension. 

No more abiding. 

Oh okay, so this is not a TV spin-off of that film about cannibals. 

Swayze in Road House is as near to seeing a man filmed like he’s a god of beauty (or objectified, if we want to be less diplomatic) as I’ve seen. It’s like the male gaze, but on a man. And that’s before we even get on to some of the dialogue. 

Roadhouse, also starring Patrick Swayze, has a good soundtrack. It’s a very similar film to Dirty Dancing in many ways.  

I am not sure Dirty Dancing is really a comedy is it? Not on purpose anyway. 

In this country first you get kissed. Then you get betrayed. Then you get the women.

That’s quite low on the list of things he is notorious for, to be fair. 

Not very tasty food, but such delicious provocations!