
Good analysis. Also one of the reasons Sullivan is coaching and not the previous guy (who seemed to prefer a more rigid/formal system)

Was a huge fan ;-)

Croquet is super fun. We play ‘extreme croquet’ and drunk-set a wild course that loops around the house and goes into the woods.

No Vampire Hunter D or Casshan robot hunter?

C&C4 was objectively terrible. I beat it once, and every one in a long while I go ‘eh, let’s try this again’ and play for about 15 minutes before quickly deleting it in a fit of PTSD.

Rich people! They’re just like us!

Or saner heads in the Assad regime will say ‘okay, so if we use chem weapons the US will bomb us, but if we use regular bombs everything is cool’.

Yeah I don’t get it either. I’m about as anti-war as you can get, but I don’t see where using some missiles to blow up some buildings automatically equates to boots on the ground in a year. Granted, Syria is a fucking mess, and that’s terrible, but this is really the least-terrible thing we could have done.
And while

What is your workflow as it regards your illustrator Sam Woolley? Do you send him the funbag a few days before publication? His illustrations are always great. Is he whipping these up on the fly in an afternoon?

Arggggh so angry at this. The last two rounds of the Olympics have had several amazing hockey moments: Oshie’s shootout insanity and Crosby’s game-winner in ‘10. Also, for the league the olympics is probably the best way to recruit casual fans to hockey. And yet nope, we’re going to fuck all that.

I really don’t think so. Remember, when Trump ran on a promise to “Drain the swamp” voter’s views of congress were at an all time low... and how many incumbents lost their seats?
It’s incredibly hard to lose an incumbent seat, short of murdering a prostitute in public while riding on an Amtrak train and snorting coke

It’s a different world out in the sticks. Even urban vs suburban is a vastly different riding experience.

Riding in urban areas is so much safer than on rural roads. I my rides often cross both types of areas. Even with the increased amount of vehicles on the road, at least in cities they’re usually doing < 35mph.

That’s how it is where I live. Besides, riding on sidewalks is more dangerous than the roads, given their uneven nature.
In my state cyclists are required to use the roads — which is fine. What sucks is that those roads also usually have minimum shoulders, especially in rural areas. Shoulders also aren’t worth a damn

That is the funniest god damn thing I have seen today.

Truck driving jobs ARE THE SAFETY NET.

You could argue that he pulls this crap because of all the crap he’s taken since he joined the league. It hasn’t been that bad this year, but in past years the guy was the #1 target every time he hopped on the ice — including after his concussion issues when people were targeting him.

Isn’t that the truth.

As a father of two kids under 5, I whole heartily approve this.