
wait, did I miss an installment in the series? Why are we colonizing a new galaxy or w/e?

Not to be that guy, but your research methods are flawed. Playing against the computer alone would give you better results from an A/B perspective than playing against online players (whose own skill would be a greater (or as great) variable as your drugs).
Just sayin’

Jesus people, get a f’ing grip!


Wegmans is the fucking worst at this. Shit is spread all over that store with no rhyme or reason. You want spagetti sauce? that’s aisle 12. Oh you want noodles to eat that with? Aisle 13. Fuck that store and the soccer moms that shop there.

You forgot the sound the puck makes when it hits the goal posts in hockey, asshat.

NBCSN has locked down “Curling night in America,” which is awesome just for the lame name alone. It was my go-to during January.

I just spit out my tea. Thanks! lol

Hey me too! But mine is about flying an A-10 straight down the highway with the gatling gun blazing.

Agreed. Last time I was out there we did both. Yellowstone was ... okay, but again, was crazy crowded. We went from there to GTNP and the difference was simply amazing.

One thing that always amused me when my cousins would visit the east coast from Wyo., they would always remark: “It’s so green here!”

And ain’t it grand?

Wyoming is amazing. Where my uncle lives there’s more deer per square mile than people. When driving through a small town, there was a local radio PSA of the mayor saying: “Remember folks, when you do tourists a favor, you do your town a favor.”

I laughed. My coworkers look at me confused. +1

Since when it is it wrong to be a looney old man? As long as you’re not luring kids into your plane for candy, I say go fully crazy.

I’d decorate that shit for Christmas if it was in my driveway. Put colored lights along the wings, get a Santa prop for the driver’s seat.

Same boat.

Oh I agree, but the lack of self-awareness, and obvious correlations to the stereotyping of other religions (see, Muslims and Muslim extremists) is just aggravating as all hell.

This and forever this:

It makes me, as a Christian, sad that those of us who cry the loudest are also the dumbest.

IKR? All the people who didn’t bother to vote must have not voted because they were sure their chosen savior, Trump, was a lock. Who knew?