
By responding, the owner is letting the yelp-reading public know that the restaurant considers the comfort and enjoyment of all of their patrons to be a priority, and that obnoxious behavior is not welcome. If I lived nearby, this reply by the owner would make me want to go to the restaurant - reading only Joyce’s

This makes me feel validated voting for Obama. Peas in guacamole is fucking stupid and gross looking.

I thought LeAnne and Norma both had entertaining—if not realistic—back stories, but good god, the Norma worship circle annoyed me to no end. Anyone else? Maybe it was just because I binge-watched the season over a few days, but they seemed to have the same argument in every episode, and it all seemed very clunky and

can we qualify Jim Carrey as a toxin??

Oh, truth be told women are WAY ahead of the gay in Biblical condemnation. There are only a few verses that clearly condemn homosexuality. There are a metric shitload that hate women.

“Quotes Bible verses to claim that women shouldn’t be pastors”

Except for the part that went, “They were overwhelmingly men...”

umm...this is part of our policy for dealing with the mentally ill. Has been since Reagan’s presidency.

My neighbors’ adult son had some sort of episode that turned into him wailing on their front door with a baseball bat. He may have been trying to provoke a lethal response from the police. The police officer could have shot him when he turned on him with the bat, but the officer pulled his tazer out instead. It wasn’t

There are other ways for cops to deal with the disturbed, if they really wanted to.

“magic way to de-escalate a situation before the use of force is necessary”
I think the issue is not that they don’t have a magic way, it’s that they show up and shoot people dead without trying to sort out what’s actually going on. We have so many instances (in some cases video) of cops rolling up to a scene with

Can I ask what Donald’s end game is? He will never, ever become POTUS. Ever. Like, there is no chance. With all of his money, he can surely hire the most mediocre political analysis undergrad 20 year old from a third tier school, with the most conservative leanings, that will still tell him “No, never in a million

I’m not sure where you got that info from but it’s my understanding that most of the increase in the homeless population is actually due to the lack of mental health resources. During the Giuliani years tents were going up but homelessness went down because he was just throwing them in jail instead of putting them

increase in homelessness really more due to human anal bead rudy guiliani and human dick ring michael bloomberg deregulating apartment rent stabilization and turning a blind eye to developers illegally evicting tenants

Unfortunately, the majority of the people that watch Fox News aren’t yelling at their TV because they’re disgusted by what the anchors are saying; they’re yelling because they agree.

As a Canadian, there is a part of me (the late night drunken part) that wishes I had access to Fox News. Because sometimes you just want to yell at your TV.

If you’re going to go to the trouble to fire someone that you’ve got a bug up your ass about, why would you hinge it on them say bad words? At least plant heroin in their desk or porn in their work computer history.

If saying “you’re a pussy” and “fuck” as an employee of LSU is a fireable offense. the LSU Tigers are going to be in need of a shit ton of new football and basketball coaches.