
Look at him. Total angry bottom. Kind of guy that tries to twist your nipples off while you fuck him, then shoves you off and starts yelling as soon as he cums. Hate those guys.


Behind the scenes:

Oh look who it is, THE PATRIARCHY



But he’s Mel Brooks best character!

I feel like if your apron game is so on point that it matches the food you are grilling, I'll let it slide.

folks are cleverly infecting anti-vaccination activists with computer viruses embedded in photos and links.

This weekend an unvaccinated six year old boy was the first person to die of diptheria in 28 years in Spain. His parents rejected getting him vaccinated and now he’s dead. A vaccinated child is much better then a dead one.

It’s all in the idea of doing whatever possible to stigmatize a state of being that doesn’t harm others, but whose merest existence makes some people go “Ewww...”.

but there’s literally multiple instances of guys hiding out in the wells of port-a-potties with the actual excrement just for the opportunity to be near women in a bathroom, there’s multiple examples of men drilling holes through walls, etc, etc.

Can someone please explain this obsession about trans people and what bathrooms they use? I cannot, for the love of the little baby Jesus, figure out why this has suddenly become a thing. News flash, folks: trans people have existed, and have been using whateverthefuck bathroom they deem appropriate since the

I will never understand the sheer audacity it takes to ask someone for details about their genitalia. Everything about that line of questioning speaks to the interviewer’s belief, likely subconscious, that the subject of their questioning is some sort of specimen that needs to be poked and examined like an animal on

Please don’t speak for us.

6 months for using the wrong bathroom? I get your prison industrial complex needs more nonviolent criminals to keep the profits high, but that is fucked up even for America.