
That’s the thing. I said this on Gawker, but if anyone associated with the school had thought, for even one second, that it was a bomb, the reaction would have be massively different. The school would have been evacuated. The bomb squad would have been called. The teacher wouldn’t have put the “bomb” in her fucking

It appears that the problem is spreading across the world.

It also claims that her clerks were “coerced by the threat of contempt sanctions” into granting marriage licenses.

I’d call her a cunt, but she lacks the depth and warmth.

I absolutely think it matters. This woman is trying to discriminate against a class of people based on religious principles she can’t even be bothered to follow in her life. She’d still be wrong if she actually lived by her church’s teaching on sexual morality, but since she doesn’t, she’s not only wrong, she’s a

I would absolutely support a Muslim women who “insisted on” covering her face, just as I would support Kim Davis if the government was trying to force her to wear clothing that violated her religion. But I wouldn’t support a Muslim woman refusing to issue legal licenses to any woman who didn't cover her face. See the

Why do Muslims continually get dragged into the Kim Davis conversation? And anyway, only a valid comparison if said Muslim woman is forcing OTHER WOMEN to cover their faces. Fighting for your rights is not the same as denying them to others.


Before you open your mouth you might want to know a thing or two about what you’re talking about.

The fact that you refer to them as monsters means that you have made this an emotional issue, not a rational one. We know a fair bit about brain development, though you don’t seem to be aware of this, and your proclamation

Bullshit. There are all sorts of incidents where “monsters” like this, people who actually killed others as teenagers, have been rehabilitated. You are also ignoring all of the science showing how developed the brain is (and is not) at this age. There is no reason to have different standards for juveniles vs. adults

I spent years working in the juvenile justice system. Anyone who thinks that a 13 year old has the same judgment therefore should be tried in the adult court knows very little about current research. Having kids tried as an adult is a political move by people who want to look tough on crime, not a move based on any

Am I the only straight guy who isn’t skeeved out by menstrual discharge? It’s normal biological functioning ffs.

The number of, “ew, periods are disgusting and this woman is a filthy, evil attention whore for not considering menstruation as shameful and unmentionable as I do” comments from women on fucking Jezebel is deeply depressing.

No, we don’t want blood all over the place. But it’s not all over the place, it’s on her pants. Try to point out to people that they’re overreacting because of unconscious stigma about vaginas and it’s NO! BLOOD BAD! UNSANITARY! DANGEROUS!

Seriously, I’m kind of surprised by all the “eww, gross, or oh, she’s so lucky she doesn’t bleed as much as I do, etc.” comments on here.

I think what makes me the most sad, and even MORE proud of Kiran, is that sometimes it’s a bunch of educated women doing the “ewwwww! how GROSS!” routine. I can handle Trump’s idiocy, that’s par for the course, and I can deal with dumbass dudes, but I just feel so defeated when I see women doing the same thing.

Yeah, the Daily Mail thinks periods are grooooossss, BUT they WILL publish virtually uncensored shot-for-shot ISIS-produced video stills showing hostages being literally blown to pieces. Great. Awesome. Looks like I’m moving my 5 pm drink up to 3.

The comments I’ve seen on this item around the internet have been bumming me out. People (male and female alike) are losing their fucking minds over some menstrual blood that I would have thought was sweat had someone not circled it and told me it’s menstrual blood. They’re acting like the streets were flowing ankle

I love this woman. I’m so fucking sick of the stigma attached to periods; while it’s often micro-aggressions like Douchebag Trump comments and men squeamishly saying “gross!” like five year olds in some places, in others, it results in outright shaming and isolation. And the lack of access to sanitary products is a