
From his website:

It never ceases to amaze me that these Teahadist idiots keep bringing up the Nazis; they should be doing everything than can to AVOID mentioning them. I think the comparison is unbelievably crass and insulting for any group that isn’t actively engaged in genocide, but since these morons insist on bringing them up

Right, idiot. People risk committing a federal felony to hack websites of organizations whose activities they agree with, but just don’t want a portion of their tax dollars funding. That is why I routinely hack the website of the elementary school down the street. I mean, I fully support educating children, but not

The most offensive part of this story is that it took 40 minutes to make 3 pancakes at a diner. A DINER! DO YOU KNOW WHAT A DINER IS?! That's a goddamn travesty.

I wish parents would realize how dangerous it is to let their kids run around in restaurants. Not everyone is looking out for them! I, for one, don’t have children. I’m also tall and clumsy. This means that if I’m walking through a restaurant, I am not looking for your rugrat, I’m keeping my eyes at adult level. Which

I live in Maine and have actually been to this diner. I think the important thing to know about Marcy’s is that it really is a hole-in-the-wall. There are maybe 5 tables and one counter that might seat a dozen. It is tiny and cramped and hot (because the griddle is 3 feet from the counter), but the food is delicious

AshleyMadison: We Treat Your Data Like You Treat Your Marriage®

I have no idea how my son has made it to the ripe old age of 16 since there were times in his life when he wasn’t physically touching me or tethered to me with a leash. OMG I’m such a terrible mother.

Fuck! Need more accessible childcare in this motherfucker.

Removing Komen was a good decision for entirely wrong reasons. Like taking religious holidays off the school calendar to avoid putting Muslim holidays on the calendar.

Yeah, I feel torn about this. Komen has certainly met it’s original goal of raising “awareness” for women, and I think that was good. Now they are just a fund-sucking self-help program with relentless positivity brainwashing that can be exclusionary to women who are actually dying of breast cancer, which does still

Okay so I want to be all feminist enraged...but Komen is shit...

My Child My Choice!

An 80% yoy decline—Reelz or not—is awesome. That’s the best thing I’ve read all day.

John Oliver’s description of Donald Trump as “a clown made up of mummified foreskin and cotton candy” is one of the most visceral depictions I have ever heard.

Franken was on MSNBC earlier about it and he said it would have made LGBT kids protected the same as disabled kids and kids of color are protected so if someone were bullying them based on their LGBT status the school would be “forced” to take action under law whereas now many schools will hand wave such harassment

This bill may not have done much substantially but we now have Congress on record voting to preserve a certain aspect of discrimination in schools.

Haha, idiot.


Yep. If an embryo is automatically human life and aborting it is a crime, there should be no exceptions to that. Be ideologically consistent, at least, if you’re going to be a misogynist asshole.