
I read this in another forum yesterday: “It just seems that no matter what happens, the white person is misunderstood and the black person is dead.” That one sentence hit me as so profoundly true and succinctly all-encompassing that it is still running through my head this morning.

And people are still blaming what happened to those innocent people on mental illness. White people must be humanized at all costs. Notice that when the police found him, they gave him a vest and didn’t handcuff him. The life of a white man who kills black people has value but the life of a black child who holds a

It was an ATTACK ON FAITH though, catch up.

“You know, the Confederate flag is just a symbol of States’ Rights.

It has been tried before. There was an older black man who every so often would go to the SC state house with the sole intent to burn the confederate flag down. He has since passed away.

The only Confederate flag that mattered. I never get tired of that joke.

The apartheid jacket really seals the shit-heel vibe in for freshness.

as he should because right-wing radical domestic terrorists are much more of an actual threat to american lives

Okay but like if you were to look up serial killer in the dictionary this is what would be there.

This skinny little white punk with a bowl cut scares me much more than any member of ISIS does.

It was Coupon Day.

It is reversible— by having unprotected sex again.

Also, Doctors in Texas will no longer be required to tell uninsured patients with heart problems that chest pains are just “Jesus huggin’ you tighter”.

Can someone please explain the rationale for requiring this? I legit want to know the reason. This provision was introduced by anti-abortion whach-jobs, right? Doesn’t telling women this abortion procedure is reversible make them MORE likely to go ahead with it?

I was thinking it would be easy to find similar photos of men working on cars. You know, equal opportunity sexism and all. It wasn’t as easy as I thought. Although, I’m not sure this guy is working on the car so much as he’s trying to show his dick to scale.

Princess (now Queen ) Elizabeth during WWII

Public pools don’t need “Whites Only” signs anymore. Just call the police, tell them the black people are acting up and you’re scurrrred, and they’ll just clean up the pool for you while teaching them a lesson so they don’t forget their place. Easy peasy.

Ugh. This book was an issue a decade ago in Lexington, MA. Except that the offended asshole parent sued the teacher and the school, and the school backed up the teacher, AND the court ruled against the parent. And then the Westboro Baptist people threatened to show up, and the town’s residents told them to fuck the