But, it’s equality for millionaires!! YES!! Who is with me?? Nobody? Nobody? Oh...well...hm..yeah, you may have a point.
But, it’s equality for millionaires!! YES!! Who is with me?? Nobody? Nobody? Oh...well...hm..yeah, you may have a point.
In my opinion, ethnicity isn’t something one can really move in and out of physically or mentally.
Why hasn’t it occurred to these people that there are all sorts of things they could plant on their lawns that don’t require that much water.
So much for the legitimacy of that “transracial identity” issue that so many TOTALLY NOT TRANSPHOBIC people were bringing up.
The fact she felt it necessary to don cultural and literal blackface coupled with fabricating hate crimes to make her menstrel show performance art project (aka her life) feel more authentic completely negates whatever she did for the nebulous “black community”. (I hate that phrase “black community” by the way but…
I can’t wait for the “she did good in the black community” crowd to migrate from Gawker to Jezebel.
Great review.
If we just do what they tell us to do, we’ll be safe. What the hell is wrong with us that we can’t get this incredibly easy point?
HELLO, if he’s a Nice Guy he won’t do it. Duh. That’s why you should appreciate a Nice Guy, you superficial slut. They can use their fedoras as chinese stars if anyone threatens your safety.
Tits are taking tit’s spot as the tits of Game of Tits.
Titled like a nod to Salinger or a year-end anthology, Brandy Clark’s debut album 12 Stories begins with a promise,…
I’m an immigration attorney. Dollars to donuts, this woman would NOT have qualified for a U-visa if she had the misfortune to live in my state. Because you have to get a law enforcement official to “certify” your U-visa and most law enforcement officials around here routinely refuse to do so. Even if you qualify under…
Um, no. Public shaming is a good thing. When people can be overtly racist without anyone calling them on it, they’re allowed to go on thinking such behavior is normal and acceptable. This is precisely how racism has survived so long in this country, and the blowback against public shaming of it is proof that the…
It will never cease to amuse me that these people think an “honest” opinion is somehow immune to criticism. I guess that’s the sort of “thinking” you can expect from the side of the policial spectrum that has managed to make being called “intellectual” an insult.
I can always trust that a person will have level headed and intelligent things to say when they start out their statement with “The blacks”.
I’m almost to the point of wanting them all segregated on one side of town so they can hurt each other and leave the innocent people alone. Maybe the 50s and 60s were really on to something.
Well first: How does “maybe segregation was onto something” and “I’m not racist” share room in the same brain?
The level of obliviousness and absurdity here is crazy: Here is a “greatest hits” post of racist bullshit, culminating in a call for a return to 50s-style “separate but equal” segregation. Better slap on a #notracisttho hashtag - that’ll mitigate any awkwardness!