
you’re gross.

No joke, summer is the worst season. I loathe being hot. All I ever want is to need to wear a heavy coat. Also, I think some people really are just genuinely drawn to melancholy. The darkening days are romantic to some of us.

You are the wrongest anyone has ever been wrong about anything in the history of wrongness. Repent.

Fall is not the worst season. You are the worst season.

You know who else was a frisky, “small” QB that early in his career was constantly yo-yo’d on and off the bench? Drew Brees.

But if the backstop and dugout aren’t lined up right you still have to pay attention so you don’t get nailed in the eye by a foul tip.

As a fan, baseball is the only live sport that actually stimulates my pleasure zones. It’s leisurely. I don’t know anything about my local AAA team. I go, enjoy the game played by guys I didn’t know and won’t remember, and leave.

Protip: If you can get your father or grandfather’s old axe, do it!

I played water polo in high school and college and for our bench areas we either dealt with metal bleachers (which are a goddamn nightmare when drenched with water) or regular folding chairs, which aren’t much better. So I would agree that baseball is pretty amazing with regards to bench environment.

Leave it to VW to misfire on a cheat and not live up to potential over long distances.

It’s baseball for sure. Football locker rooms are pretty spartan, even in the NFL - although D-I schools are trying to make up for it with “players’ lounges” and other shit like that.

I agree with you - especially that last bit. I think the problem is pitching, to be honest. As time goes on, pitchers keep getting better and better. The average speed of pitching has been going up for a century. The rate of strikeouts also.

Crew regatta are like track and field but with the added benefit of a lake/riverside view. Plus people who row are generally rich so the food is catered, the chairs are comfy, and the tents are super classy and yooge.

polite disagreement: sometimes a single tie is calling out to me from the closet, and I find something to work around. usually it’s the other way around though (the first step being: what is clean/ironed)

Now playing

A Browns fan made this when Weeden left there:

He’s not the first person to say this. Most secondaries also think Weeden’s passes are gifted.

I’m not surprised Jerry Jones said this, he’s always stuck up for Brandon, even back to when they were kids.

Luke McCown would take over at quarterback, and be as capable as a McCown can be.

Still not as bad as the first time when the Feds went after them with B-17s.

I can’t wait! Was going to get a new Sportwagen within the next year. I was actually trying to decide 1.8T or TDI but I guess that decision has been made for me. Discounts here we come!