Should we be concerned that The Orville looks like a better Star Trek show than Discovery?
Should we be concerned that The Orville looks like a better Star Trek show than Discovery?
But why couldn’t they shoot the trigger off his gun instead?
Exactly. Shoot at cops, don’t be surprised when they shoot back and likely kill you.
I’m not sure if you can grab the ABC 7 live feed, but that’s the one I was watching... They had a much more zoomed-in camera on dude getting shot before cutting their feed. But the guy definitely took a gun out the bag and appeared to shoot at the cop that shot back at him.
I saw it for the second time yesterday and bawled my eyes out for a second time. I really, really loved the first one, but I think I like the second one even better. I think it’s absolutely funnier, but it’s also just generally a more meaningful film. I suppose we’ll see how it settles over time, but after two…
Lavezzi went on to say...
This isn’t inside my wheelhouse, it is the exact shape and dimensions of it.
He played a one -finger tune. That’s hardly “playing piano.” This is a non story.
As a Paradox super-fan, I want this!
Amazing..... an asshole like yourself who clearly HATES THIS COUNTRY...yet you support people of color coming into this country
>The flag ain’t shit.
The flag ain’t shit? Fuck that noise. I have relatives that died fighting Nazis under that flag. So you’ll forgive me if I do not agree.
Nope, it makes workers realize how bad they are possibly getting the shaft. Which in turn results in resentment toward the management.
I like how
But the EMALS!
I’d like to think you’d have better things to waste your time on, but I get that you have a post count and that lame shit like typos count.
Just say no to Republic stars running for office.
He’s not fooling anyone, he’s a Republican, so to have a chance against him, we’ll have to give the democratic nomination to Vin Diesel. Shit, we really are a Banana Republic now.