Looks great, though I suspect they’re going to have do something about the game models. They look gorgeous, but by mid-late game those models will cause a major slowdown.
Looks great, though I suspect they’re going to have do something about the game models. They look gorgeous, but by mid-late game those models will cause a major slowdown.
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.
The whole point of the article is that people ARE mad about this. The title is “this was a bad idea”. Because no one likes empty corporate gestures of support. They’re probably just trying to save money on dye anyway.
“Can we get over this?”
Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get…
who does dirty stuff constantly but claims he’s not dirty
I think a bunch of people who didn’t vote fucked up this election.
OMG I thought it was just me!!! I’m watching this and I’m like do I have a crush on Comey? It’s not that he’s hot but he’s more like intelligent older man professor type that dresses nice who the more you engage with the more you find his wrinkles endearing and blush the moment you find yourself thinking him…
For me it’s his honesty. I respect someone who can admit to being a coward.
He’s dignified and intelligent, and these days these two qualities will skew anyone’s judgment.
I don’t think he’s particularly attractive, but he’s shaking up our horrific national shit show and I reckon he’s hung like a pedestal table.
There are days I hate the man and days that I think he’s a decent human being.
I could totally see McCain showing up for this drunk if he really, really didn’t want to be there.
This kid is so great he actually made me not mind watching a Jimmy Fallon clip.
He really does remind me of his dad. I still remember the day I got completely sold on the Crocodile Hunter. Up until then I had enjoyed his show but always taken it with a grain of salt, thought he was just doing a character, etc. Then one…
He sets off my theatre kid detector. His exaggerated mannerisms and rehearsed speech patterns project a performance rather than a personality.
One of America’s greatest heroes.