I just felt a chill down my spine. Like a premonition that something else also ran down another’s spine.
I just felt a chill down my spine. Like a premonition that something else also ran down another’s spine.
Good summary of the problem that recent AAA live service games created for themselves in chasing profits over designing a fun working game.
I’m not a game developer, but I am a software developer, so my response is: come on guys.
Great point! Much of the compilation, aside from choice moments from Crisis Core (The best product of the bunch), lost much of that absurd quality that made FF7 great.
I mentioned in the other thread that FF7 is the WarioWare of all of the Final Fantasy series. Minigames and madcap absurdity is core to FF7's identity which is held together by some of the most charming player characters in the series, their strong relationship with each other, and the relatable overarching story and…
So yeah I realize the original game is old and all, but the game is being remade so shouldn't there be a spoiler warning in there. Try to be as vague as possible here. If you know, you know.
This has been the big selling point of Rebirth for me. Over the years I’ve become a little disillusioned over the dour Final Fantasy VII of the expanded media. Advent Children and the such. So I’ve come to appreciate VIIs goofy dayglow weirdness.
The moment I saw the incomprehensible 8 wheel buggy was in I was sold.
We’ve reached a point in the games industry where trends are moving faster than development cycles, and the results are calamitous.
you can skip any cutscene in the game this way. It’s just that this unintentional skip is an easy mistake to make because the demo ended there so you’ll be pretty skip-happy in that chunk of the game.
Not unpopular. I just can’t play phone games in general for extended periods without ergonomic controller grips. Years of playing DoTA Allstars brutalized my hands and now I’m paying the price for it.
This whole games-as-a-service model needs to be burnt down to the ground. We’ve let them have it their way with that model and DLC and sh*t is outta control. You own nothing, and when the game inevitably has an EOS, you get nothing, not even any silly trophies you earned, and they have all of your coin.
I’m a fan of the remake, but I also agree that there is so much to like about Ever Crisis’s presentation and mechanics that are wasted in a gacha mobile game.
Looks like a better experience than the Tim Burton movie.
Unpopular opinion (maybe?) and I’m just venting so it’s not even relevant, just ignore me, but man, I wish Ever Crisis was the remake and not a gacha mobile game. The look is absolutely stellar, and the combat is foundationally cool (but again, streamlined for mobile—could be iterated on well for an actual full game),…
I was hoping for the pasadise of sweet teats.
There’s also bear with the backwards ass and a growth coming out of his face!
Too bad they canceled, I was really excited about the exarserdray lollipops.
Come with me, and you’ll be, in a worrrrld of no imagination!
My 5yr old son loves Willy Wonka, and I could absolutely see this as being something I would’ve wanted to take him to. My heart bleeds for those poor families who got scammed by this shitty attraction.
How on earth could they think this would fly? Absolutely terrible.