Or they’re using a new prototype RDNA 4-like chip, which no one knows anything about right now. The PS5 launched at the same time as AMD launched their own 6000 series GPUs.
Or they’re using a new prototype RDNA 4-like chip, which no one knows anything about right now. The PS5 launched at the same time as AMD launched their own 6000 series GPUs.
Graphics nuts will eat this up no doubt. For most people, this isn’t going to matter all that much, and will probably not be worth upgrading over the base PS5. We’ve already hit the point of diminishing returns on graphics.
Yoshi-P is being typically vague here, and/or some of the idea behind his words are probably lost in translation. His platformers and pits analogy does ring familiar and I can see where in FF14 that’s applied, when it comes to the core battle systems.
Without sounding like a millennial with a lawn complex (fat chance), from years of experience, this is not the impending apocalypse zoomers...
Actually, there was a pretty good slice of time in MySpace for a bit, if you ignored all the gang related drama, you were the first to find the hottest mixtapes.
HAHA Not even. The $10 megabus bathrooms must have been too much to behold.
If he dies, he dies.
Exactly. I have a very hard time believing that outside contractors, are allowed to basically waltz right into a development studio, and call the shots on the majority of ANY videogame script.
Yea, I’m truly baffled right now, but maybe I shouldn’t be?
This sounds like a classic case of “too many cooks” that really is a problem with recent media (Games, films, TV) that have poor narratives and dialogue.
Good lord. Reading this feels exhausting, but I’m surprised I haven’t run into this drama yet, perhaps because my head is buried in everyone’s favorite “Disc One” right now.
Can’t discount the hardware design either. Nintendo threaded the needle in three ways as it hit the goldilocks on screen size, battery life and weight - not to mention the true innovation of the charging dock, allowing big screen gameplay that “Just works”.
I’m just wondering whenever I see this, after the NFT bubble burst over a year ago... When does the rent come due?
I just felt a chill down my spine. Like a premonition that something else also ran down another’s spine.
Good summary of the problem that recent AAA live service games created for themselves in chasing profits over designing a fun working game.
Great point! Much of the compilation, aside from choice moments from Crisis Core (The best product of the bunch), lost much of that absurd quality that made FF7 great.